slides 7, 8, 9, 13:  minor comment:  would it be possible to make the background of the map (lower left-hand corner) transparent?  Right now it is white. - done
slide 10 - cross ref ITK tools throughout - done on this slide
slide 20 remove cartoon character - done
slide 21: Need a high level slide on research (more for reserve, may not be able to speak to directly)
        the point is that in the course of DataONE we have encountered a need to tackle and solve Cs research problems. - semantics slide
slide 22 - CN and MN icons missing - done
slide 30 (?) - cross ref org chart against the one in the PMP - done
Slide 41: next 18 months
    next MN's
    workshops planned
    (4 Bullets)
    slide 43 - animate

stakeholder matrix - short presentation
observing environ change - should be cultural change
check use of word 'environmental'
four principles - scratch work 'environmental' from #3
surveys - timeline?
bar chart - move numbers into white
questioning allowed us to - increase font and reduce bullets
EAB slide - 'environmental' scan - change to community or stakeholder throughout
DUG - text heavy - split
feedback - get rid of 2nd large bullet
conferences - get rid of background
training - take out student employees
community engagement - remove letters written
social reach - cut slide
delete 'other methods of communication - what about MN forum?
cut future slides as they are in seperate presentation?

MN Presentation

- Spreadsheet with a breakdown of the content held by the different member nodes in production:

CI - Part 1
Toolkit colors - consistent throughout - done
ITK font - needs to match CNs MNs - done
Adapt - misplaced bullet
Title font difference on proprities / community slide
DUG priorities - table lines
Science stories - bullets not aligned

CI demo



CI 2