Workflow Meeting - June 21 Karthik, Richard, Rebecca, William Rough notes. RL: SPARQL not going well for me. Going to talk to Karthik about it June 22. RL: Still working on PDF. Mining literature for works that cited Kepler. - Best to use Word, rather than LaTeX, for typing it all up RL: Will need David on this project, unless Karthik and I can really get to grips with Sparql Sparql entirely tier 1 metadata, nothing involving the actual workflows. Bill getting back to us on any other hypotheses that we should look into. Might have to do tier 2/3 manually. Should only take 5-10 minutes each. Could do around 300 Taverna. Taverna1: 600, T2: 600 100 hours Three weeks left of data collection. See how much you can get this week: 30 hours for workflow getting, 10 for research. Have to put a cap on things - worst thing that could happen is have lots of data but nothing written. Look at how Kepler is being used outside of myExperiment, and integrate that with this study Download the other 600 papers that site SWAKS. Go through them quickly, but that's not the main focus. Be cognisant of which fields are numeric or not in excel. Might need to be exported to CVS. KR: That shouldn't be a problem. Can give a run down as to how to convert .xls to .sql to R. Use SPARQL / numeric identified on it to get initial corpus to mine.{%0D%0A++%3Fworkflow+rdf%3Atype+mecontrib%3AWorkflow+%3B%0D%0A++++mebase%3Ahas-content-type+%3Fct+.%0D%0A++%3Fct+dcterms%3Atitle+%3Fct_title+%0D%0A++FILTER+regex%28%3Fct_title%2C%27^taverna%27%2C%27i%27%29%0D%0A}&formatting=HTML%20Table three nights in California - 28,29,30th we could tease apart differences between taverna 1 and taverna 2 - would be interesting to look at differences in complexity look at some taverna 1 ones. Monday talk at 4pm send bank details to rebecca send slides for the conference on thursday.