Participants: Biva, Anand, Saumen, Paolo, Dan Crawl, Biva: ... --> report Anand: OPM tool, not working Paolo: What exactly is not working? Biva: Also had problems with OPM tool Nobody posted the specific error messages!? Paolo: please give feedback when tool does not work What is that other tool? General comment: please post error messages, problems, (and workarounds!) proactively... Saumen: Was able to run FPC in COMAD? ==> put all workflows (3 x 3) on Deliverables & Products ==> swapping: not a priority right now Biva: ER model conceptual schema Relational Database Anand: I created the ER-diagram: for conceptualization of our plan of exact placement of SPS and SDS within the overall picture. I will be refining it more. ER -diagram Kepler SQL schema: Paolo: I have been trying to summarize the various contributions into a single ER model. Much of this is based on the BLPM sheet on this page: I have a diagram for the main structural (workflow) and provenance entities: and another for the main "OPM-style" properties (either asserted or inferred): ps I have done these with ArgoUML if anyone needs to edit, I will post the argo file and here are the sources I have used to generate the tentative integrated conceptual model: Anand's ER diagram: however, this diagram captures mostly meta-information, rather than the provenance model itself, so that will come at a later stage Anand's conceptual model: By and large, I have also included Biva's model: in the sense that there is a substantial overlap (good and unsurprising!) with Andand's model this is still all drafty in addition to the diagrams, here is the argo file that you can open using ArgoUML: ArgoUML is available here for free: Collaborative Provenance Model: what are the questions we might want to ask against this schema (in terms of users) can it answer these questions ==> Collect the "20 Questions/Queries" (aside: The 4th Paradigm book, dedicated to Jim Gray) Paolo: Moving to implementations of the (integrated) schema [Manish has QLP implementation in relational DB] Dan: Using HSQL in Kepler Java PI Biva: D1-->WF-->D2 What about the intermediate data? To what extent is the system (and the provenance system) aware of references? Paolo: Taverna is "aware" of references Next version LOD compliant references Anand: where do we store the actual data? Paolo: in the SPS, we have to have the data somewhere have a distributed system with large data store Bertram to ask DataONE project for that "data store" Saumen: CouchDB possible store Shared data store at google? NEXT ACTIONS: * Anand, Biva, Saumen to put "products" and "deliverables" on the corresponding page on the DToL page * also create / link-to "homepage" * Bertram: take crack at shared conceptual model/schema, starting from Paolo's version & other versions --> slides, and write-up => shoot for end of week for a "1st complete draft" => finalize by next call * Write 20 (not really) questions: what we should ask of the provenance store ==> goal: agreed upon ones should become benchmarks for the overall project ==> should include "export native provenance" queries * Explore implementation and query (API access) alternatives, run some key queries against it 1a) Anand: "stand up" Dan's DB as a separate entity 1b) 2a) Biva: Taverna provenance API (build problems) 2b) 3a) Saumen: Manish's QLP implementation 3b)