Sprint Closeout and Startup - 2010-05-21

:Who: Dave, Chad, Roger, Robert

Good,  Bad, Ugly

- burndown actually points down
- Dave - very limited time to work on sprint
- Metacat is in great shape - CRUD interface looking good
- Roger - needs to close out tasks during the sprint
  - tasks better aligned with actual work
- Integration testing still needs to be done for 0.3!

New tasks / stories

Need to setup a "cn-service" account in LDAP for metacat administration

#620 - next sprint (S6)

#269 - move to S6

#288 - move to S6

#262 is a high priority for completion
#268 - S6 ?
#265 - assign to Roger ?

#352, #429 - S6 (dependent on 262)

#591, #420, #421 

- New task to pull data from a KNB / metacat instance and generate sysmeta as part of the unit test process rather than generating fake metadata / data.

#586, 587, 596, 588 - hopefully close out during meeting next week. Otherwise S6

#593, #594 - need to have tasks assigned, perhaps 2hrs left (about 8hrs so far)

#595 - S6

#608 - may be completed, but otherwise high priority for S6

#629, 639, 628, 627 (as for 608)

#609 - S6

#610 - S6

Need to add a story for integration of the metadata packager into JMS (3)

- fix the getSysmMetadata operation 
- some refactoring for fields being returned and the structure