Attendees: Rebecca Koskela, Mike Frame, Carol Tenopir, Steve Kelling, Matt Jones, Dave Vieglais, Suzie Allard, Bob Cook, Todd Vision, John Cobb

Regrets: Bruce Wilson, Trisha Cruse

Agenda for 2010-09-24


            Thomas Dunning (Principal Investigator)
            Paul Kelter (Former Principal Investigator)
            Edee Wiziecki (Co-Principal Investigator)
            Diana Dummitt (Co-Principal Investigator)
            Rebecca Canty (Co-Principal Investigator)
           Jean Anderson (Former Co-Principal Investigator)
           Lyle Rigdon (Former Co-Principal Investigator)

           William Gropp (Principal Investigator)

The team has been primarily working on getting the presentation/demo ready for the NSF review on Monday, September 27th. Fortunately most of the work coincided with the actual CI schedule.  The 3 MNs are up and running; the monitoring API has been improved; and they have good test data. The 3 CNs are up and running and the team is working on some bugs that popped up; synchronization is working better; indexing is working; and the Mercury interface has some new features that will help with indexing. There has also been great progress on the ITK, especially the work Matt has done on the R client. The infrastructure is ready for the demo on Monday - it may not be visually compelling because it's infrastructure but it will demonstrate the functionality of 3 very different systems combined into one framework.

The ticket system, Trac, is not scaling and has some user interface issues so the CCIT has been investigating other options. They have settled on Redmine ( The transistion is scheduled for the week of October 4th.  Dave will send email when this occurs.

As mentioned above, the public website is active now. The pilot catalog is accessible from the public website
(through a specific URL if you know what it is).  The timeline for publishing this URL is before the AHM in November.

Todd asked about the status of replication of data between MNs.  Replication among MNs is dependent on authentication.  The scheme for authentication has been worked on but the CCIT also needs feedback from the MNs on how the scheme may impact them.  They would also like some input on this from the S&G WG and the CE WG.  Matt will include this in the bullets of items that are across WGs for the AHM and also try to
get the list ready the week after next so that a discussion may take place before the AHM in November.
John agreed that this is am important point. It is what is currently "tripping up" his efforts to set up data replication for neutron sources. MNs should trust the CNs but will they trust other MNs to carry out their policies.  Replication should be done before next February - it's the next major milestone for the infrastructure. 

Bruce Wilson attended a Knowledge Management workshop for activities to support the upcoming National Climate Assessment (2013 release), partially in representation for DataONE.  We have some opportunities for ways that we can support this activity, andhe has made some suggestions to Anne Waple (NOAA) and Kathy Jacobs (OSTP) who are key leaders on this project. He will be following up with them over the next couple of weeks.  Jarvis Moyers from NSF was at this workshop and is currently the NSF liaison to the NCA activities.  Technical support for NCA will be led out of NCDC.

Mike Frame: A topic we might want to put on a LT Agenda for later this month is Dec IDC meeting and Monday Workshop.  Below is some background from Bryan with exchanges between myself, Viv, and him as to our USGS participation in the Workshop.    

As part of the Data Conservancy DataNet initiative, we will be hosting an invitational Research Data Workforce Summit on Monday, December 6th, 2010 in conjunction with the International Digital Curation Conference.  We are inviting representatives from DataNet partners and other educators and federal agencies who are currently active in developing programs to advance the data curation workforce. .... Bryan Heidorn, Sept. 13, 2010

Suzie: Miriam Davis, the UT post-doc funded by USGS for the SAIN project attended the USA-National Phenology Network’s stakeholders’ workshop.  Items of interest to DataONE:
·        Syracuse doctoral student Andrea Wiggins, whose advisor is D1 SCWG member,  Kevin Crowston,  attended and she is conducting her dissertation work studying US-NPN regarding issues of interest to D1. 
·        Miriam introduced the NBII and DataOne sites for training materials and learning about metadata to Shelly Grow, Conservation Biologist with Association of Zoos and Aquariums in charge of FrogWatch and Climate Change initiatives.

Carol: The UT team will be advertising in October for a Post-Doc

Matt: Matt is chairing the NEON Data Standards Working Group to make recommendations to NEON on how to publish their data products in the most useful manner to the community.  Viv has been invited to participate, but it might also be useful to have another DataONE technical contributor, so I'm looking for suggestions.  The group will meet virtually over a 2 year period, and currently has members from a wide variety of standards and data center backgrounds. Giri is also on this committee.

Bob:  Our new Climate Change Science Institute is having a review next week; I'll show an EVA poster (based on a poster I showed back in March).

John: nothing to add

Steve: nothing to add except saw a Lincoln sparrow this morning

Rebecca:  Needs to reply to email about student intern report; answer is yes, does need report, preferably before the first quarter report for year 2 is due; will share Survey Monkey results for both mentors and students with Suzie, Todd, and Bruce.  Heather had also requested to see the results.