- February review

- Public release towards end of 2011

- Issues of data package representation in client APIs

- Relative importance of ITK vs other activities
  - Timing of ITK functionality release wrt public release. e.g. data deposition

In Place now:

- Libraries: java and python
- R plugin (based on java)
- FUSE DataONE file system 
- CLI (python)
- test pieces (using the java and python libraries)

Target Apps:
-  Excel (easy since work will be done by MS - need to have someone from  CCIT engaged in the project  John K., ensure that DataONE APIs are  priority)

- Matlab - C, C++ extensions. Also support for Java, python
- IDL - perl, Java (two way calls?)
- Vistrails - Python
- Kepler - Java
- Taverna - Java
- Trident - MS .net
- Hydrodesktop? specifically a client for CUAHSI - based on open source GIS platform, so could be extended for DataONE to enable access to content outside of hte CUHASI HIS

- GBIF IPT (Java, has extension points) Some issues on the data model
- Morpho - Java, though serialization may take a bit of work (but easy, about 1wk)
- Metavist - Java app. Does it support extension points / plugins? (Giri will research)
- Other NBII activity with Drupal based metadata management tool - PHP
- Variable tagging tool developed by Andrew (Line's student)
- OGC clients, spatial subsetting tools
  - Question on how to include OGC tools in the DataONE infrastructure (APIs?). DataONE exposes metadata and the get() methods. Perhaps interacting through DAAC and/or Mercury interfaces
- Cassia
- GeoNetwork (also candidate as MN)
- ArcGIS (python)

Some opportunity for extending workflow tools for integration with HPC environments. Question on whether this is a role for DataONE services - perhaps unlikely.
DataONE could perhaps help with staging the data- user can adjust the replication policy of the data of interest so that it is migrated to the HPC nodes as directed by the CNs

- Resolve could be amended to include additional services beyond the simple get - e.g. various OGC and subsetting operations
  - Resolve -> node list -> node registry -> services available from nodes (beyond the basic DataONE services)
    - There are existing registries of services - should investigate these
      - GCMD, NBII web catalog service, 

Policy for adding content through create()
- add raw content
- add package (includes sci meta + n * data)

- Member node dashboard for showing state of membernodes + data + 

Now prioritize for limited resources
- Tools that cover the whole data life cycle. Do we want to add another analytical tool or flesh out the R tool for complete demonstration?

- Should focus on completing the R tool to support complete data life cycle for the public release
- Good chance that Excel plugin / tool will be developed in time for public release (need to track this)

- Metadata editing / generation tools should also be a high priority
  - Morpho also brings some of the other prototyping activities (semtools)
    - Active work on internationalization
  - Metavist brings a big community of users, though some migration towards the Drupal tool
Data Life Cycle steps
1. Acquisition. Excel data entry; field based data entry; sensor network
- Excel
2. Documentation (annotation)
- Morpho; web based tools; (perhaps Excel plugin?)
3. Deposition
- Morphol web based tools; (perhaps Excel)
4. QA
- R
5. Analysis
- R
- Kepler (has infrastructure for remote access to content)
  - Easier to DataONE enable
- Vistrails (requires extension for server based data)
  - More relevant to EVA group, perhaps requires more work for DataONE interaction
- Taverna
6. Visualization
- R
- WF similar to Analysis above, Vistrails further along with Viz.
7. Preservation (curation, format migration, version control, provenance)
- workflow tools (provenance)
  - common provenance models across WF tools kepler, taverna,  ..
  - Requirement to deposit "trace files" in DataONE
- jhove (characterization, not format migration)
8. Citation
- Zotero, EndNote, Mendelay;
   - Feature added to Dryad to export citation format.  This could tie into the search system?
   - Support appropriate markup (microformats, rdfa, ...) in search results pages
9. Disposition, decomission
    - Closest in DataONE is a takedown order.

February Demonstration 
What needs to be done for R demo?
- Start with a cool science demo - "here's what we did"
- Follow on with how it was done.
- Only example now is the EVA work, but it didn't use D1 infrastructure, but did use R
  - Build on this be exemplifying R extension to show how the EVA workflow could be performed  through R using the DataONE extensions

- current state: interaction with D1 available, but prior knowledge of appropriate content is required.
- Several tasks / stories in Redmine related to what needs to be done for R

There needs to be some interaction between the search and discovery interfaces and the analysis tools. For example - user discovers interesting content through the mercury search interface - how to easily transfer these results to an R analysis run

Demo workflow:
Search for interesting data -> ID
Take ID and load into R
Do something interesting
Store result / analyysis back to