Target Funtionality Demo 1. Search for interesting data (i.e. stuff that will be used in Demo 2). Need: - MN content available - MN synchronize - The search UI (i.e. mercury) - Retrieve identifiers from search interface - manually or through Zotero - MN.listObjects() - MN.getSystemMetadata() - CN populate search index Demo 2. The EVA demo. This involves an investigator downloading data from DataONE into R and executing the scripts to generate a distribution map. Bonus is to publish that back to a Member Node - about 20sec to run - single distribution generated - need to science metadata describing the output - R plugin, retrieve content given list of IDs - R scripts produce some output - Create science metadata for output - Store output back to member node (KNB) - part of the next demo Need: - R script to get content given a list of identifiers Execute the experiment Visualize the output. - resolve() - get() - R environment Demo 3. Basic process of a researcher adding content to a Member Node with some discovery - Add content to DataONE using client. Ideal = Morpho, minimum = CLI - Verify content available on Member Node - Verify content available on > 1 Member Node - Content available in search index - Add discovered content to Zotero - emphasize that content is being pulled from multiple sources and metadata formats Need: - Morpho able to add content to KNB node using existing mechanisms or prefereably through DataONE interface - create() operational on MNs - CLI able to execute create() - synchronization, resolve, search interface Demo 4. - Turn off a member node and show that the content is still retrievable Need: - MN replication - Notification that replication has completed (log messages) Jan 16-22 - Close core functionality bugs - CN-CN replication - Synchronization operational - ITK CLI and R plugin Jan 23-29 - CN reserveID - Content indexing for search - MN-MN replication operational - COINS support for Mercury completed (Zotero) - Prepare initial versions of demonstrations - User scenarios story outlined - PPT presentations outlined Jan 30-Feb 05 - Bug fixing for core services - Demo preparations and cleanup - Complete writing tasks Feb 06-12 - Feb 07: Submit documentation to NSF including: - five page overview - fifteen page detail - Project management plan - Cooperative agreement - Architecture documentation - Final versions of demos sorted out, with bug fixes - Prepare screen captures of demo activities - Final versions of powerpoints prepared Feb 13-19 - No development activity on demo machines - Prepare final versions of screen captures of demonstrations (videos) - Practice presentations - Practice demonstrations Feb 20-26 - Feb 22: Bill + Sayeed provide overview - Feb 23: DataONE review - Feb 24: Response to panel questions