Attendees:Rebecca, Amber, John Cobb, Carol, Bill, Bob Cook, Bruce, Mike Frame, Suzie, Matt, Dave Regrets: Viv Hutchison, John Kunze Agenda for 2011-02-11 1. Presentations for the NSF Review ( Content Review (authors): Graphic Review (Amber): Last Review (spell check, etc - Rebecca): Are Morpho and Kepler working parts of ITK? Kepler not ready yet; Morpho will be demo'd but not fully integrated Charge to Reviewers indicators: Either at the beginning or end of each talk indicate what refers back to the charge For CI section: one rather than one for each of the 3 sections Bruce has redone CI overview including the specific wording of the charge to reviewers where appropriate. Follow Winston Churchill approach List of stakeholders needs to be finalized for multiple presentations (whether to include Archives or not). Computers: Matt & Dave for CI, Bill for main presentation At run throughs we'll make sure the presentations are on multiple computers On Tuesday have computers checked out at NSF computing so won't need to do it on Wednesday. As soon Bill arrives, he'll let others know which room and we'll start the practice presentations as soon as everyone arrives Tuesday evening. 2. Status of CI demos for Review (Vieglais/Jones) R-demo is working! Working on screen casts now 3. Seating plan for NSF Review- only 6 can be in the room at a time (Michener) Dave will create an epad for the NSF Review and put some security in front of it. It will be a good idea to list your cell phone numbers on that epad Review Team: Below is the list of reviewers for the DataNet critical review. Please be reminded that you may not contact or communicate in any way members of the panel. Co Chairs: Dan Lubin is it this lubin? Lillian (Boots) Cassel - She also seems to be interested in educational aspects Panel: Michael Huhns Plato Smith transcript of 2009 interview Peter Fox Julio Ibarra is this him? Michael Piasecki Jeanne Behnke Just as a FYI, during a conference with the Co-Chairs today, They wanted the teams to make sure that the items in the charge were clearly identified to the panel in the materials and/or the presentations. Final Agenda: Note from NSF: Please find attached the Agenda for the DataNet review(link above). The panel and chairs have seen the agenda and have not asked for any changes. The room numbers for each day are on the agenda. Both teams will be meeting in Stafford II room 595. The request for two computers, projection systems and screens has been accommodated and though the space will be a bit tight, I believe things are in order for us to be as comfortable as possible. For the members of your teams that need to transition in and out of the room, NSF has no specifications on times or mechanism other than those members that need to wait may wait in the front part of room 505 of Stafford II. I do not think they would be comfortable there all day but the room has comfortable seating and ready access to the meeting room. Fire codes require that they not be standing in the hallway outside the meeting room. As long as everyone picks up badges in Stafford I before trying to gain access to Stafford II, there are no specifications as to how you shift your team members throughout the presentations. **For those members outside of the meeting room, ABSOLUTELY NO CONVERSATION concerning any part of the review, team members, or panelists may take place** People leaving will be a signal to those who need to come in. NSF will probably want to stick to the schedule. Can set up early on Wednesday (7:30am) before the Sayeed response (30min). 2 Sets of Questions: Lunch questions (CI) - parse out questions to people best positioned to respond Evening questions (this is optional) DataONE Project Overview 1. Bill Michener (P) 2. Steve Kelling (P) 3. Rebecca Koskela 4. Dave Vieglais 5. Amber Budden 6. Bruce Wilson Cyberinfrastructure I: 1.Bill Michener 2.Dave Vieglais (P) 3.Bruce Wilson (P) 4.Matt Jones (P) 5. John Cobb 6. Rebecca Koskela Cyberinfrastructure II: 1.Bill Michener 2.Dave Vieglais (P) 3.Bruce Wilson (P) 4.Matt Jones (P) 5.John Cobb 6. Rebecca Koskela Responses to CI questions (45 minutes allotted): 1.Bill Michener 2.Dave Vieglais (P) 3.Bruce Wilson (P) 4.Matt Jones (P) 5.John Cobb 6. Rebecca Koskela Community Engagement 1. Bill Michener 2. Amber Budden (P) 3. Carol Tenopir (P) 4. Rebecca Koskela 5. Steve Kelling 6. Bob Cook Sustainability 1. Bill Michener (P?) 2. Bob Cook (P) 3. Carol Tenopir 4. Rebecca Koskela 5. Steve Kelling 6. Amber Budden Challenges & Mitigations 1.Bill Michener (P) 2.Rebecca Koskela 3.Dave Vieglais 4.Amber Budden 5.Bob Cook 6.Carol Tenopir Future Events 1.Bill Michener 2.Rebecca Koskela (P) 3.Dave Vieglais 4.Amber Budden 5. Steve Kelling 6. Bruce Wilson 4. DUG Meeting in July (Koskela) ESIP will start at 1:00pm on Tuesday. Discussion that traveling on Saturday for a Sunday meeting not a good idea. Best to plan a meeting that lasts 1.5 days with no breakout rooms. Also not good to make people switch hotels. Will need to get invitations out after the review is over. 5. Around the Room Amber - Started developing the plan for the Education Modules Workshop with Viv and Kristin (UNM LTER). Proposed dates: week of July 25th. Mike - Just one very minor suggestion, any references to NBII, I'd make sure you refer to USGS. With recent FY2012 budget guidance, just makes more sense. Mike - It looks like Viv will have a conflict with the Best Practices workshop planning in early March. Just in case she hasn't had a chance to send everyone a note... Suzie: I did two invited talks in India both featuring DataONE activities. One regarding community engagement activities (International Conference on the Converfence of Libraries, Archives and Museums. Delhi) and the other regarding the virtual organization(International Conerence on Digital Libraries and Knowledge Organization, Gurgaon) John: Perhaps intersting workshop where we may want to present EVA eBird results Marratech Notes: [11:26 AM] Dave: [11:33 AM] John: google has discovered [12:01 PM] Mike: I think that's the issue related to break outs [12:01 PM] Mike: I agree just make it work [12:03 PM] Mike: No problem, call my cell or e-mail me... [12:04 PM] Suzie: Another good way to reach me quickly is via text -- I can always ck that during meetings and leave to take care of business