.. meta:: :keywords: DataONE, CCIT, 20110330, VTC 2011-03-30 - DataONE Developer Call =================================== :Attendees: Dave Vieglais, Paul Allen, Rebecca Koskela, Bruce Wilson, Ryan Scherle, John Kunze, Robert Sandusky, Mark Servilla, Rob, John Cobb, Matt Jones, Chris Jones, Roger Dahl, Nicholas Dexter Agenda and Notes ---------------- **1. Demonstration screen casts from the review** The demo screen casts are located in subversion at: EVA demo (R script): https://repository.dataone.org/software/allsoftware/demos/eva_demo_1/screencast/DataONE-species-prediction-analysis.mov Morpho demo: https://repository.dataone.org/software/allsoftware/demos/morpho_upload_1/20110217_cjones_morpho_d1_demo.mov Mercury demo: https://repository.dataone.org/software/allsoftware/demos/mercury_demo_1/DataONE-Mercury-general-facets.mov FUSE file system demo: https://repository.dataone.org/software/allsoftware/demos/fs_demo_1/DataONE-FS-v0.2.mov slides: https://repository.dataone.org/software/allsoftware/demos/ - General impressions - voice over important. - Applicability of each - Subtitles only vs voice over + subtitles? - Refactoring? - Distribution preferences (vimeo, youtube, ...) - Distribution restrictions? - Consistency between screen casts? Paul - send out ASAP, as is. Make them public. Bob - make them fully accessible - so voice over and transcripts are important. stop/start controls. Need to add introductions and timing steps to provide guidance through the screen casts. Resolution 1280x720 (largest handled by youtube) Sandusky notes below [0] Probably best to have a non-tech person write the transcript to provide a broader reach. Next steps: - discuss at LT - power point slides for steps - transcripts - voice over **2. Data replication constraints (continued)** Bandwidth performance between each of the CNs and to a client. See http://mule1.dataone.org/ArchitectureDocs-current/notes/time_bandwidth_constraints.html - add periodic tests for bandwidth between nodes as part of the monitoring infrastructure - also useful to add in "save to disk" times - also add n clients - check the routes that are being used - perfsonar (being used by internet2) - could also test nodes in between - iperf - need to look at latency in addition to throughput - also add in checks for member nodes (largest data holdings) ref: TeraGrid metrics: Speedpage (NxN test of GridFTP performance between TG sites) WE also have a iperf infrastructure that does igbps tests for speed and jitter, but it is mostly turned off during most times now since the network works well at 1 gbps adn we do not want to test at 10 gbps becuase it impacts production work. Perfsonar link: http://www.perfsonar.net/ Martin Swany (U. Del) is the main force behind this and it is catching hold in internet2 and ESnet and elsewhere. The idea is to develop a set of non-intrusive tests that give good correlation to netowrk performance under high loads. **3. Any other business** - CCIT Meeting Scheduled for 19-21 July. Any preparations that need to be checked on? - Matt will send out a reminder email for the Doodle poll (need a head count) - DataONE Users Group meeting July 11-12 -- Meeting likely to focus on ITK (December 2010 meeting focused on MNs) -- Perhaps have some ITK development partners attend? - perhaps invite development partners such as microsoft? - Matt, Bob, John will be attending - Use meeting as a forum for gathering requirements, perhaps usability testing, etc. - Need strong presentation about what the ITK is - Use UG to help prioritize the tool selection and features to be supported, etc - What are some important questions that need to be addressed as outcomes from the DUG meeting? - e.g. what are the three tools that should have dev focus? - other groups that can be convinced to help with development (of itk pieces)? - Finalising the agenda - time frame? Draft agenda approx end of May. - Invitee list - needs to be broad cross-section to minimize bias in prioritization. Input on invites from CCIT would be very helpful - approx 50 attendees [0] Sandusky notes Overall, the screencasts are quite good. General comments: - accessibility: these are OK for sighted people, but not for those with impaired vision. Recommend (1) voice overs and matching transcripts. - accessibility: controls are important for people with a range of cognitive abilities - add outlines at beginnings 1- step A 2- step B 3- step C and insert frames along the way to help keep the viewer oriented - can these screencasts be put into a contextual frame? E.g., "Tools for scientists being developed to work with DataONE" on dataone.org Potential applications: - push out to WG membership and potential members - push out to DUG membership and potential members - add to DataONE public Web site - push out to other potential ITK toolmakers ITK: Morpho Upload Demonstration - Needs a little more context, which could be provided by a voice-over. - Might be better with pauses between slides with user start-stop control. - Second part, starting at 2:32, with title "KNB data synchronize to DataONE" and then showing Mercury and retrieval really needs more contextual information. What tool was used to create this screencast? ITK: Species Distribution Model in R - Pointer bouces around a lot ca. 00:20 - 00:27; is there some other way to highlight screen regions of interest? - Interstitial titles might help orient the viewer; show the N steps covered in the screencast, highlighting the step that's about to be shown - Some typos in results returned from Mercury (1) "dat apackage" instead of "data package"; (2) "speccies" instead of "species" ITK: Facetd Search of DataONE Using Mercury - pace on this one was better overall than previous two - the COinS stuff at end went a bit fast perhaps ITK: DataONE as a Tagged File System - pace on this one was generally good - ca, 00:15; consistency: on-screen, data_providers but title says data sources (maybe this is OK) - ca, 2:50; section on "describes" lost me the first time through - ca, 3:50; typo (1) "as as" instead of "as" in the title ===== [4:21 PM] Bob: what tool was used to create the screencasts? [4:30 PM] John: do we have a sense of what is the "needed" BW? [4:30 PM] John: to compare with this experience? [4:31 PM] John: Are we doing periodici iperf connection tests between nodes? [4:32 PM] Matt: dd if=/dev/urandom of=test_100M.bin bs=1048576 count=100 [4:51 PM] John: I may be there [4:58 PM] John: and even a university admin-critter might be useful in small doses [5:00 PM] Bob: community building!