Tier 1: Public read, no Authn/Authz
Old APIs: MN_crud, MN_replication, MN_health
New APIs:  MN_core, MN_read
Methods:  MN_core: ping, getCapabilities, getStatus, [getObjectStatistics], [getOperationStatistics], [getLogRecords] 
MN_read: get, getSystemMetadata, listObjects, describe, getChecksum, synchronizationFailed

Tier 2: Read/Resolve with Authn/Authz
Old API: MN_authorization, MN_authentication
New API: MN_auth
Methods: MN_read MN_core + login(*), logout(*), isAuthorized(*), setAccess(*)

Tier 3: Write (create, update, delete), possibly limited support for data types
Old API: MN_crud
New API: MN_storage
Methods: MN_auth + create, update, delete, 

Tier 4: Limited Replication target (specified data types)
Old API: MN_replication
New API: MN_replication
Methods: MN_storage + replicate

Tier 5: Replication target, any data types
Old API: 
New API:  
Methods: MN_replication (no additional methods)

Coordinating Node APIs and Methods

CN_crud    get
CN_crud    getSystemMetadata
CN_crud    resolve
CN_crud    create
CN_crud    reserveIdentifier
CN_crud    assertRelation
CN_crud    log
CN_crud    getChecksum
CN_crud              listFormats
CN_crud              getFormat
CN_query             search
CN_authentication    login