DataOne Research Meeting 2: 05/31/2011
Present: Bill, Rebecca, Richard

Don't worry about this. 
Richard's Agenda:
Richard: Covered the previous week, progress. For the most part, this was just a reiteration of my blog, which can be seen at

Then, we talked about what to do for the next week, with some questions from Rebecca about the scope of the project and what we're doing. 

To do this week (the majority of the meeting - I didn't take down notes by hand, which may have been a mistake, as these are fairly minimal. Will not do that next week, having compared the differences.) 

That's a pretty long work week, so we left it at that. Next week, the meeting will be at:

11pm Beijing; 4pm Edinburgh; 9am Mountain Time on Wednesday 8th

We're going to be reviewing not only the workflows which Richard will select and look at before then, but also the two papers suggested by David on myExperiment. 

Richard to Call Karthik and Bertram and tell them this, modify the workplan, and get things going. 

End of call.


DataOne Research Meeting 2: 05/25/2011
Present: Bill, Richard, Bertram, Karthik

DataOne Research Meeting 2: 05/25/2011
Richard update: looking at MyExperiment, Kepler, Taverna, Vistrails, 40 papers found

Richard: Asking on MyExperiment/Taverna, Kepler lists
Bertram: asking around to gather relevant wfs (CAMERA/UCSD, UCD, ...)
Bill: start categorizing wfs along different dimensions
short summary article on wf usage

Karthik to think about how a survey might look like, strengths & weakness of wf systems
meeting in Tennessee: group doing "R workflows" 
Some of these workflows come from the remote data analysis and visualization group (e.g. Eden)
(Bertram: Mining workflows; also check with Pãolo what has been done there)
(Bertram: Taverna paper by Ulf et al; link-in to Sven's stuff)
Bill: annotated bibliography
Karthik: created a group on Mendeley on scientific workflows

* Google Docs, Dropbox, Mendeley
* Public Notebook

End of call.


week 1:

1) gain familiarity with myExperiment, Kepler, and Taverna
2) do literature search on science workflows and think about how to categorize workflow steps/processes
        a) data input
        b) data transformation
        c) QA/QC step
        d) embedded workflows
        e) specific analyses and visualization steps
3) examine 6-10 workflows and characterize the processes entailed in the workflows

Next steps:

1) design data collection protocols for study based on input from mentors
2) perform pilot study on 10-15 workflows to ascertain appropriateness of protocols and modify as necessary
3) begin data collection with X # of randomly selected workflows from myExperiment
4) plan analysis strategy
5) commence writing paper
        a) methods
        b) introduction
        c) results and discussion

Karthik to draft an outline for a review paper  analysing existing workflow packages and look at strengths and weaknesses. The article could also make recommendations to the research community.

05/20 Notes

Three sites to get familiar with.

kepler website
number of workflows in there that are exemplars
why, what, how

taverna - more for bioinformatics

myExperiment - where all the workflows get deposited (may be a kepler one somewhere?)
- from the UK, may 
- web portal - place to store workflows
        - seek and deposit (documented to some extent), how to download, # of times used, comments as well
Poster that looked at the scientific process at a meeting a few years ago
- steps that were part of the analytical process

QA/QC - examine outlier (xy plot or something)
whole ray of analysis steps

Bertram: data integration, semantic stuff scientist bioinformatics
Rebekka - bioinformatics
Bill - ecology, oceanography

Date retrieved, amount used, seen, etc.

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