Version support - enabling nodes (ITK clients, Member Nodes, Coordinating Nodes) to interoperate although they are different versions of the architecture.

All service types are rolled under one schema (dataTypes.xsd).  All have a common version.
In Java-land, the objects that represent these  service types are tightly coupled to the version of the schema.
The serialized xml service types do not include a url to the schema location.
The schema location varies by version.  (different versions at different URL).
NodeListParser implementations use DOM and

Client instantiation:
The NodeList is a complex type that serves at least two roles:
1. "node locator" - tells one node instance the address of the other nodes -
2. "node information" - used in synchronization and data replication

1. ITK client running at v0.6.1 is instantiated and for normal operation with contact the default CN (v0.6.2) to get the nodelist.
2. the CN returns a NodeList (v0.6.2)
3. the ITK client attempts to parse it.
** if successful it is "online" and can get more information
   else it must rely on any locally saved url mapping information.