CCIT Call - 2011-06-29

Attendees: Roger Dahl, Bob Sandusky, Mark Servilla, Ryan Kroiss, Paul Allen, Ben Leinfelder, Bruce Wilson, Rob Nahf, John Kunze, Nick Dexter, John Cobb


1. Preparations for the CCIT meeting coming up July 19-21

- Hotel reservations, travel

- Agenda for meeting


- preservation angle - difference between checksums that apply to landing pages vs data sets
  - citation for an ORNL DAAC data product -> page with a bunch of links -> follow through to actual data
- Bruce - computing checksum of something that is actually the data, but DOI reslves to a page about the data - dataone identifiers could resolve to the actual files that make up the data
- need to clarify what the identifiers actually refer to
- at a citation level - do we care about the files or the ogc web service exposing those files

- A lot of citation practices are actually citing landing pages
- is a landing page more equivalent to a sciencemetadata document or some sort of packaging document providing reference to other pieces of a data set

- How to deal with time series data - what are the best practices for archiving this type of content, and how should DataONE deal with it.

- How do deal with changes in member node participation (e.g. some going offline or having reduced resources)?



2. Hardware purchase and general CN location preparations

- Hardware specs

- VM hosting

- Network configuration

- Administrator coordination

- ORC 
  - location of hardware affects the order (PDUs)
  - Dell likely target for the purchse
  - Need to check on VMWare license cost

3. Update on CI status

- Completing implementation of 0.6.2
- Working through authn / authz implementations
- Internal restructuring of CNs (e.g. OpenLDAP for low latency mm replication)

4. Any other business