.. meta:: :keywords: DataONE, CCIT, 20110810, VTC 2011-08-10 - DataONE Developer Call =================================== :Attendees: Bruce, Matt, Chris, Giri, Jim, Mark, Neck Dexter, Robert, Ryan, Ben, Porter, Bob, Robert, Ryan K., Dave Agenda and Notes ---------------- 1. General update on CI Hardware: UCSB - partial delivery, Nick starting to setup racks. ORC - Equipment all delivered, racks setup, installing now. Maybe powering some piecesup next week. UNM - moving ahead, blocked by UNM IT Schema changes propogated through python and java Latest schema: https://repository.dataone.org/software/cicore/tags/D1_SCHEMA_0_6_3/ GMN updated Metacat being completed d1_common_java latest build: http://dev-testing.dataone.org/maven/org/dataone/d1_common_java/0.6.3-SNAPSHOT/ Mercury - need to test - Get Roger to point stress test tool at the Mercury node - Mercury common changes: https://daacsvn.ornl.gov/svn/mercury_common/ui/branches/mercury_common_08102011. the code needs Solr 1.4 - We will also move the UI changes soon. CN synchronization targeted for August 25. 2. Package descriptions using OAI-ORE resource maps See: http://mule1.dataone.org/ArchitectureDocs-current/design/DataPackage.html#oai-ore DataCite metadata documentation: http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-2.2/index.html DataCite relationship types: http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-2.2/include/datacite-relationType-v2.xsd Using it as recommended by DataCite would look like this in XML: 10.1234/testpub http://testing.ts/testpub Notes from CCIT meeting: https://repository.dataone.org/documents/Committees/CCIT/20110719_CCIT_SantaBarbara/raw_notes_from_etherpad.pdf Need to rename cn.get as something like cn.indirectGet libclient requires: - config parameter to indicate follow redirects or not - ability to handle a redirect exception server requires: - generation of 302 message and exception - object location lookup with resolve 3. Any other business ORNL DAAC MN test - status Mark: LTER now fully CILogon enabled