Semtools discussion (Margaret, Mark, Chris) * Margaret * DONE: move habitiat from sbc-ext into oboe-ecology, create sub=classes and * define habitat classes against SWEET or others using similarConcept ... * organismtissuesample: add parent anat-portionoftissue * DONE: sample: remove discretesample, passive sample from sbc, * in sbc-ext use ecology-sample, * DONE: add watersample airsample to oboe-ecol. * include more labels, defintions, similarConceptTo from (somewhere) * annotations: where object props are needed. * DONE: oboe-chemistry: add class "mixture", move Water to subclass. annotate, needs object property "has H20". * Water class: define as simmilarTo sweet class watermixture (a child of mixed chemical substance). * DONE: move Event to TemporalEntity, but leave in sbc-ext if you want to keep it. not well defined or even currently used. add a note. * DONE: move sbc organism children to oboe-biology, organism. remove the non-sbc organism * DONE: add to oboe-biology, spermatophyte, gametophyte, sibs to Adult, etc. * sbc's OrganismPart children (KelpPart) look at AnatomicalStructure/organism/surfaceStructure. might put kelpPart here. * DONE: move "Phytoplankton" to oboe-ecol. a "community"? check forest, and phyto in lter-vocab. * lower priority - consider making "process" into a characteristic. need to talk to Shawn. * * DONE oboe-spatial: put classes under the spatial primitives point/waypoint line/transect/replicateTransect, polygon/plot/replicatePlot * oboe-environment: waterColumn and waterColumnBin belong in environment, when that module exists. * temproral: sbc class temporalPoint is probably wrong. see TO DO under it's subclasses. * Chris * DONE: Add otolith to Acellular Anatomical structure * DONE: PopulationSample * isn't equivalent to 'Population and Sample' * should just subclass Sample * what is the relationship to Population? * use an object property? range is 'Population' e.g. consistsOf Population * annotate PopulationSample with 'incomplete, needs partonomy relationship with Population' * do the same for all subclasses of PopulationSample * DONE: copy sbc-extension "PhysicalFeature tree to oboe-environment" rename SolidEarth -> Terrestrial. fix typo in "AtmospherePhsical...", "Atmospheric" Hydrologic * Mark * report to Midford about our suggestions relative to TAO and CARO * otolith is_a acellular anatomical structure * Need design pattern for "PopulationSample"-- reference ro.owl for adequacy of object properties * add annotations where object properties are needed