DataOne Working Group December Meeting Interoperability and Semantics Attendees: (please type your name if you are attending. If only attending online, please note that) Deborah Damian Line Luis Hillmar Proposed Agenda: 1. Reports from relevant meetings since last call: Earthcube, AGU, other? 2. Postdoc situation - Rebecca will email us a status report when she returns from travels later this week - discussion of interview process *important - if you are not on the call and would like to be involved in the interview process, please let jeff and/or me know. 3. Any follow up from last week - particularly from the use case proposal 4. Meeting time logistics for next year - does anyone have conflicts with the current time? If so, we Jeff or I will set up a new doodle poll 5. Line's presentation on the ORNL search work presented at AGU. Links: AGU posters by group members: Deborah (et al): Semantic Water Quality Portal - SemantAqua Semantic Sea Ice Line and Natasha et al: MetaData search Todo - Ask Jeff to send out google calendar information Rebecca has place set up for materials about this candidate to be available to the group. Who wants to be involved in the interview process? Line and Damian offered to Deb to talk to candidate if she wants to. Suggestion - have a group telecon with the leading post doc candidate Great idea. todo - doodle poll for f2f meeting. - request comments about 2, 2.5, or 3 day we have approval for stanford to be the site. one request - NOT the last week in feb 2.5 or 3 day meeting target length of the meeting may be agenda driven Relevant meetings: EarthCube: Deb went to a piece of it. A lot of excellent people involved. About 140. Heavily facilitated from poeple who have facilitation training. Tim Killean leaves 6 months from now. Up to 10% of entire contract can be added by new efforts? Consensus-driven and community effort. What will happen in the near term? Deb: Use semantically-enabled tools to access DataONE datasets using ORNL DAAC datasets as examples. Bring post-doc up to speed into this. Line's presentation - we were all focused on the poster so no one took notes but line is looking for feeback. her poster can be accessed from line 39 above.