
EVA Working Group Teleconference

Please use the following numbers:
Toll Free Number:  866-703-9626 
Pass Code:  767574 

Participants:   Aritra Dasgupta, Jorge Poco, Dave Vieglais, Yaxing Wei, Bob Cook, Bill Hargrove, Dave Vieglais, Shi Shi Liu, Rosie, Steve Aulenbach, Claudio Silva, Christopher Schwalm, Paolo, Vineet Yadav

Not able to attend: Forrest Hoffman, Debbie Huntzinger, Jim Randerson, Anna Michalak, Peter Thornton, Bertram Ludaescher, 

Meeting Agenda:
(1) plans for the EVA Working Group over the next six months (10 minutes)
(2)  Short Presentation via WebEx:  Jorge Poco, NYU - Poly grad student "Analyzing / visualizing output from Terrestrial Biosphere Models using UV CDAT" (20 minutes)
(3) UV-CDAT discussion (10 minutes)
    - usability
    - additional analysis / visualization functionality for model output 
(4) plans to expand UV-CDAT functionality to include benchmarking (10 minutes) 
(5) other items?

Meeting Notes:

(1) plans for the EVA Working Group over the next six months (10 minutes)
DataONE Post-Doc:  Aritra Dasgupta
Intern:  Jorge Poco
1.     add functionality for model intercomparison
2.     add benchmarking functionality to UV-CDAT
Meetings / Telecons
(2)  Short Presentation via WebEx:  Jorge Poco, NYU - Poly grad student "Analyzing / visualizing output from Terrestrial Biosphere Models using UV CDAT" (20 minutes)
code for UV-CDAT with some features added by Jorge will be available for download in about a month

UV-CDAT Project website: http://uv-cdat.llnl.gov

(3) UV-CDAT discussion (10 minutes)
additional analysis / visualization functionality for model output 
(4) plans to expand UV-CDAT functionality to include benchmarking (10 minutes) 
(5) other items?
Acton:  Cook to send out a poll for the next teleconference (early January)