Notes for Mercury discussion, 2012-02-07 ======================================== - General schedule for release Copying source to DataONE repository: - Make a copy from the Mercury branch to d1 svn - May need a copy of common source as well - go up one level from the the UI - Building for the CNs - creating a POM for the UI portion - Skye - Dependencies (e.g. MySQL?) - logging only, will be removed - Configuration - no issues except for database - some JS issues - Skye will forward email to Ranjeet - missing scripts/collapsible.js from svn trunk - cn-dev-2 returning a 404 error Base URL = Example query =*:*&version=2.2&start=0&rows=10&indent=on Admin page: - Error: distribution field not in schema, needs to be added back in other fields removed: cat, features, includes, manu, name, variableName - Responsibility for updating (who does what) Tasks - Ranjeet: commit changes to Mercury made during the call - Dave: mock up screen shots for the header in Mercury UI - Skye: email Ranjeet with JS issue - Skye: create POM for UI - Dave: webtest tool need to be run against the Mercury MNs - Skye: Generate data source list from CN nodeList XML - Skye: Check on why full text search isn't working - need to populate "fullText" field with all text in the XML document (excluding element names) - Giri, Ranjeet, Jim: what is "distribution" field - sounded like at the end of the call we agreed it should be removed. - Ranjeet: fix default.js - Ranjeet: List of nodes in development environment: - update this list in OneMercury search UI - Skye: Enable leading wildcard characer in dataONE solr index? Mercury Member Node instances: USGS Clearinghouse MN: ORNLDAAC MN: