Java Stack

Level 0
x dataone-cn-version-tool (not critical)
x d1_jibx_extensions
x d1_test_resources_trunk

Level 1
x d1_common_java

Level 2
x d1_libclient_java
(needs some javadoc for classes, Skye) d1_cn_common
(freeze, Skye) d1_cn_index_common

Level 3
(freeze after PISCO etc MN tests, Ben) Metacat 
  - #2759 sanity check for locally cached schemas vs remote retrieval. Logic check in xml schema service to prefer cached schema

(freeze, Skye) d1_cn_index_generator
(to be tested with PISCO and stage nodes) d1_cn_noderegistry
(freeze, Skye (Dave to contact Giri and Jim for potential changes here)) d1_mercury_common
(freeze, Ben) d1_portal

Level 4
(freeze, Ben) d1_identity_manager
(possible bug to be checked, but otherwise good. Robert) d1_log_aggregation
(likely to be some more changes, Skye) d1_mercury_ui
(maybe some issue with startup / restart - watch 5703) d1_portal_servlet

- verify mechanism of evict + add to trigger replication task
- verify update of numReplicas for sysmeta triggers replication (e.g. 0 -> 3)

Level 5
(freeze after Story #2768, Robert) d1_cn_service
(still being worked on - check with Robert) d1_solr_extensions
(freeze after Task #2704, Robert) d1_synchronization

Level 6
(maybe some more processing rules for Dryad, no functional changes, Skye) d1_cn_index_processor

Level 7
(independent, freeze, Skye) d1_cn_index_tool
(freeze, Robert) d1_process_daemon

Level 8

Debian packages

Preconfiguration / bootstrap:
- add dataone repo to sources list for all of them
- still a few manual questions during update process

Python Stack

(freeze, test, Andy) d1_common_python
(freeze, test, Andy) d1_libclient_python
(review and freeze, Andy) CLI
(test and potential revision, Roger) GMN