#persist .. meta:: :keywords: DataONE, CCIT, 20120620, VTC Developers Call - 2012-06-20 ============================ :attendees: Dave Vieglais, Chris Jones, Ryan Scherle, Mark Servilla, Matt Jones, Paul Allen, Chris Brumgard, Ranjeet Devarakonda, John Cobb, Bob Sandusky Agenda and Notes ---------------- 1. Progress towards production infrastructure - Production status - CNs up, running 1.0.1 https://cn.dataone.org - KNB, ESA, SANParks MNs operational - Remaining MNs to be brought online ASAP (this week, early next) - LTER - presently generating system metadata on test instance against cn-stage - PISCO - CDL - Dryad - slicing needs work, log reporting still being worked on - change in identifier format, more similar to DOIs that are being published - new object formats need to be added - alignment with UDFR would be a good goal. Need to obtain the full UDFR list and add to object format list - For a list of the formats in the UDFR ontology, go to: http://udfr.org/ontowiki/queries/editor/?m=http://udfr.org/udfr/ and use a query similar to: PREFIX udfrs: SELECT ?formatId ?title ?description ?mimeType WHERE { ?formatId rdf:type udfrs:FileFormat. ?formatId rdfs:label ?title. ?formatId dct:description ?description. ?formatId udfrs:mimeType ?mimeType } LIMIT 2000 PREFIX udfrs: SELECT ?formatId ?title ?description ?mimeType WHERE { ?formatId rdf:type udfrs:FileFormat. ?formatId rdfs:label ?title. ?formatId dct:description ?description. ?formatId udfrs:mimeType ?mimeId. ?mimeId rdfs:label ?mimeType } LIMIT 2000 PREFIX udfrs: SELECT ?formatId ?formatName ?mimeType ?title ?description WHERE { ?formatId rdf:type udfrs:FileFormat. ?formatId rdfs:label ?title. ?formatId dct:description ?description. ?formatId udfrs:mimeType ?mimeId. ?mimeId rdfs:label ?mimeType. ?formatId udfrs:aliasIdentifier ?aliasIdentifier. ?aliasIdentifier udfrs:identifierValue ?formatName } LIMIT 2000​ ​ - Dryad has new metadata namespace/format for science metadata, we need new parser rules for CNs to ingest that into the search index - DAAC -http://mercury-ops2.ornl.gov/ornldaac/mn/v1/object - USGS-CSAS -http://mercury-ops2.ornl.gov/clearinghouse/mn/v1/object www.nbii.gov_metadata_mdata_NPS_nps_d_metaapisfield.xml is an example of 404 error, sys meta is ok. - Is returning 307 status code for objects. Option to install node at Denver or implement a pass though mechanism - Client tools - Java and Python libclient - CLI - ONEMercury - (R plugin) - Fairly complete - Needs work on package handling - Decision - ship light and early or heavy and later? - (Morpho) - CRUD operations feasible - Needs extensions to the search API (1.1 feature) - Access control and authentication - (ONEDrive, requires API changes so not before 1.1) - Model output comparison tool for EVA support -- could be based on Kepler or VisTrails 2. General development schedule through 2013 Rough outline of targets through to start of 2013: v1.0.x patch releases as necessary v1.1 ~~~~ Schedule: 2012 Block 5 (20120812 - 20121006) Features: - MN-MN Replication - Basic log reporting capabilities - Search index introspection, output field selection - API support for adding Object Format entries - Content auditing - MN kill switch, emergency response to innappropriate content - Support for additional metadata formats (as dictated by MN content) - Initial support for Puppet controlled deployment v1.2 ~~~~ Schedule: 2012 Block 6 (2012107 - 20130105) Features: - Basic change notification / subscription mechanisms - UI for user authentication and group management - Basic subsetting capabilities - Core integration with other DataNet infrastructures - includes IRods MN implementations or in general tmap out hte process to integrate contributed SW - Isolation / specialization of search services - Progressive improvements to index generation (e.g. controlled keywords) v1.3 ~~~~ Schedule: 2013 Block 1 Features: - Push notification for MN content (MN notifies CN instead of polling) - Support for high performance data transfers (e.g. GridFTP) - Progressive improvements to index generation (e.g. taxonomic name resolution services) - Alternative discovery interface to ONEMercury - Design for > 3 CNs on possibly high latency connections - Support for efficent bulk loading of content - Other performance improvements as necessary - Lots of MN software stacks that need to be developed - Semantic search capabilities - ITK components ---- Call Info: 1. Please join my meeting, 20-Jun-2012 at 13:00 PDT. https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/848635393 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Dial 1 (805) 309-0012 Access Code: 848-635-393 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 848-635-393