DUG ITK session planning 10:20-12 --------------- 20 min: ITK intro: Matt PythonCLI (cover in intro) -- overview and feedback ONEMercury (lower priority) (mention Mary Beth) -- overview not needed -- what new features or redesigns should be considered -- shouldit be a social networking app? -- other radical departures? Other tool ideas, prioritization of existing tool efforts https://repository.dataone.org/software/allsoftware/demos/implementation_ws_2/itk-tool-prioritization-by-lifecycle.xls Morpho (30) (Matt) - how to satisfy different user groups -- institutional users -- individual users -- how to interact with MNs -- work prioritization DataONE-R (30) (Matt) -- demo of capabilities -- feedback on how to handle search -- feedback on current feeatures -- intermediate data products issue 13:00 - 14:40 -------------------- DataONE Drive (30) (Matt) -- Design discussion 15 min: DataUp Intro (Carly) 45 min: DataUp discussion Objectives: 1) Feedback on capabilities/features 2) How to engage community/sustainability 3) Priorities for further DataONE development investment in tool a) use the DataONE API so people can upload to Tier 3 nodes b) ... General wrapup., questions: 10 minutes (Carly) Day 2: 10:20 - 11:10 (40 min speaking, 10 min questions)? ------------------------------ General ITK info (Matt) (10) Assurance -- checks in various tools (DataUp, Morpho) - LTER QA checker - R Acquisition * Morpho (Matt) (6) * KNB: (6) * Web tools -- why don't we have these? We do for individual MNs. * Dryad: submission process (4) * Submission to Mercury (4) * DataUp (Carly) and Merrit approaches(10)