
Ryan, Mike, Mary Beth, Lisa, Rachael, Rama, Sky, Chris, Ranjeet, Ahrash

Scoping for Sub-group:
Note: CCIT/developers will not be around Wednesday 1pm-3pm, possibly more


FIG Share Review


 without requiring them to be Member Nodes (follow some of the DataONE API, but not necessarily available for replication or require them to re-engineer their back end system....another type of Member Node that doesn't currently exist?)
     Does DataONE Issue call for Proposal for UI Development? or build everything in-house?
     Existing Design may have been built with the Generic User in mind - Possible solution would be UI based on User Types or Stakeholders?

List of usability issues from DUG/ESIP
---------------------------------------------------------- Findings:

1. Elevator Speech
2. How to Participate. Wanted Role based definitions (individual vs institutional participation)
3. Jargon (DataONE, Member Node, Coordinating Node, DUG, Cyberinfrastructure)
4. What is DataONE was difficult to Understand
5. Contact form -- needs to be obvious who this will go to (developers, administrators, webmaster, etc)
6. Whole Presentation of DataONE - Marketing Issue, What does DataONE want to be seen as - Is it behind the scenes, What is the User Group, S&G Group issues.

SEE DUG & ESIP User Findings & Recommendations

ONE Mercury Search UI:   simple | advanced
We should consider creating static wireframes to test these interfaces before we implement changes.
Show/Hide button for Advanced Search: doesn't show/communicate current state
We aren't necessarily communicating that the search is on metadata, not the actual data. When we give option to "search only results with data," it may not be clear that the search is on metadata.
Consider making "showing results as data" option post-search as a filter or ordering mechanism, rather than a pre-search filter.

Remove hint for Boolean operators

1. CLEAR ALL BUTTON - Several users forgot what they put in and the initial values were held and gave them results they had not anticipated. Users have to clear each section individually. Clear All button actually exists, but it is at bottom of screen as hyperlinked "Selected Query (Not Editable)", which is obtuse. 
<<Addressed by recommendation for modified layout>>
2. MAP UI does not wrap across the International Date Line; it's difficult to search across the entire Pacific <<urgent to be fixed; see geographic search section below>> addressed in redmine ticket
3. Help menus: language is based on buttons and fields, not processes. How to Use it and Step by Step, Diagrams - Did not think it was useful
Recommendations:  ticket added to redmine to capture help redesign.
4. Advanced Search Date Search box: Date entry: the fields allows invalid dates to be entered. Rather than displaying an error, it simply gives zero results
5. Query at the top of the Page was difficult to see    added to redmine, regarding reworking query area
6. Navigation of the geographic search feature -- creating/clearing bounding boxes, inability to change specific latitude/longitude after a bounding box is drawn (help menu doesn't explain this well) <<Addressed; see Geographic search section below>> addressed in redmine geo search ticket
7. Search results should include map - longer-term vision/DataONE 2.0 interface
8.Place name search doesn't work - this was removed after July testing  addressed in redmine geosearch ticket
9. Two search buttons (top and bottom) - <<should be OK>>
10. Searches that return only metadata -- DataSet (0) - <<addressed>>
addressed in redmine

11. Inconsistency in use of "Data Package Files" for titles - <<addressed>>  fixed, panel being removed from detail view anyways per previous suggestion
12. Identifiers differ between data file and metadata - longer-term solution, not addressed (this is controlled by the end user's client)
13. Need a zip-n-ship - longer-term vision/DataONE 2.0 interface (needs to be added to the API)
14. Cannot right click on View Full Metadata to open in a new tab (because it's a button)<<addressed>> addressed in redmine 3322
15. Title of dataset is not clickable <<addressed>>- addressed in redmine 3322
16. TODO: Issue of NOT Remembering what record you are on in Search Results UI - Potential Numbering Record Results - <<addressed>>  adding redmine task, but issue needs some clarification on how this should work.
17. Stars for relevance ranking -- confusion about the meaning of a star and HOW TO USE Stars? <<addressed>>  addressed in redmine
18. Sorting by member node -- Node names are not the same as their URN - <<addressed>>
19. Users don't know what type of content each MN contains (they generally don't care to filter/sort by MN) <<addressed>   sorting by member node name will be removed as it does not appear to be a needed option
20. Metadata rendering -- EML vs FGDC - <<addressed>>  addressed in redmine
21. FGDC -- once you go into a tab, you cannot go back to "view all"  addressed in redmine with previous issue
22. No way to save/print metadata from the "view full metadata" page  addressed in redmine
23. Metadata records -- "Return to Search" vs  "Back" buttons <<addressed>>  Issue added to redmine, needs some discussion on how will work, including multitab interaction (mutltiple browser windows in use).
24. Search results should allow use in visualization tools (this is a feature of some MNs, but not the OneMercury) longer-term vision/DataONE 2.0
25. Creation of bounding box -- sometimes jumps to a new area <<addressed>>  addressed in redmine ticket
26. TODO: General screen layout <<addressed>>  Need details before adding to redmine.  possible addressed by other issues.
27. Spelling out acronyms in the Member Node filter on search interface (e.g., Pisco MN) <<addressed>>
28. "Only results with data" checkbox is confusing <<addressed>>
29. Add tooltips for buttons on the map <<addressed>>  addressed in redmine / switch to google maps
30. Downloading data (links are not evident when viewing metadata page)  addressed in redmine task 3322
31. Downloading data (descriptions of items in the download dialog box) - <<addressed>>  addressed in redmine
Potential Pop-up Survey about Interest in DataONE & UI

Eyetracking testing during Tuesday's poster session (9 testers):

3 questions:
- find information on how to participate in DataONE
- find information about best methods for how to cite data
- find dataset(s) on organic carbon in soils for Latin America

- user expected thumbnail map image of data to be in the results
- some degree of difficulty in finding data about "how to get involved" in DataONE. One challenge may have been that users didn't necessarily know what stakeholder group they were representing as searchers of this information.
- issue of some information being available only through PDFs. Some didn't realize (or not quickly) that PDFs were opening in new tabs. Some had challenges navigating back and forth from open PDFs to website.
- inconsistencies with dropdown menus; some disappear quicker than others, some have mouseovers, some don't
- split b/w users who searched for best practices: some went to resources, some to Data->cite
- search for data - some used map, some used keywords and no map. only 2/9 got results
- map problem of resizing bounding box and not being able to click off map and drawing box w/i a box instead. some others did not have this problem.
- for navigating across site, several users repeatedly returned to homepage to then navigate somewhere else on site, rather than using Javascript dropdown menus. (Homepage displays all categories at once.)


- Simple text box search with SEARCH button to right
- Beneath text box is text hyperlink ADVANCED with hover-over that further explains functionality ("by map, by date, by field")
- Clear | Help hyperlinks in lower right
- Get rid of "only results with data" checkbox - this can be a post-coordinate refinement of results
- Get rid of "limit results by __ per page" - this can be a post-coordinate refinement of results

- will be a NEW search. If content exists in the simple search textbox and Advanced search is selected, the content in the simple textbox is CLEARED and the page refreshes to the Advanced search page (opening in new tab or new window is risky because many test users have missed seeing new tabs and windows for other DataONE functions). Clearing the simple text box will ensure that no search parameters are carried over behind the scenes into the Advanced Search)
<<Rama disagrees wih this recommendation; his belief is that the simple search parameters should be carried into advanced search, but remian visible there>>
- fields in order: Fielded Search, Search by Date
            Geographic Search
            Member Nodes
 - include validation of dates entered and issue warning if invalid        
- Fix Member Nodes dropdown to spell out member node acronyms and abbreviations
- no need to include "MN" or "Member Node" in list of names
- in Help file for this section, give a brief scope description for each Member Node to guide users who are interested in specific science areas but who may not be familiar with the scope of holdings of individual MNs


- remove yellow stars indicating relevance
- number the results 1-10, 11-20, etc. so that users going back and forth between summary results page and full record page can more easily remember which records they've already viewed. Also, hyperlinked titles should change from purple to blue once they've been visited.
- Change the Order results by "Date" to "Start Date", which is what is actually happening in the sort but is not communicated by the label (There are 4 possible date parameters: by start date, by end date, by data publish date, and by metadata publish/update date, so we need to be explicit about which one is actually in play). 
- "RETURN TO SEARCH" takes user back to search interface s/he was using immediately prior to results page

- Hyperlink Title to the FULL METADATA record (see Individual Record View below)
- Get rid of the different views by metadata schema/standard (no EML View, FGDC View, etc.)

For the list of abbreviated results:
- DELETE BOTH VIEW FULL METADATA AND DATA FILES buttons. Users will click on hyperlinked metadata title to go to full record.
At the top of the full metadata record:

GEOGRAPHIC SEARCH:  Redmine ticket has been created to capture the updates for the geographic searching interface area.