UI Subgroup - Metrics & Statistics

Bruce and Heather P. extracted metrics/stats aspects of DataONE PMP at May UA/SC WG meeting, and then aligned them with types of metrics/stats in a table

(their slides from last year are on Plone site)

Summary of their slides:

1) individual metrics about data use
2) interaction metrics
3) instrastructure metrics

X-mapped to data object use, data object use correlation, user metrics, user interaction metrics

DataONE logs userid activities through system. Anonymyzing this will be a separate operation

How do you know which user group/persona they're from?
We know if they're from NCEAS, but not yet what type of user they are and what/how they're using the data. That's a desired metric (social map of usage among objects)

Identifying emergent user profiles among user social network attributes (do people we think are the primary personas align with the usage we're seeing across the site?)

What's the goal?
- meet reqs in PMP (in DataONE assessment, clear we have to have transparent process to demonstrate value back to participants. Metrics are key to this)
- provide metrics back to MNs

If someone downloads a dataset, we know about the download. We know:
- IP of the user via the MN log (if they are collecting it properly)
- user agent (ONEMercury, ONEDrive...)
- subject (query?)
- event (create/read/updated/deleted/replicated...would like to add search)
- date log
- node identifier

ONEDrive, ONEMercury, R accesses all hit SOLR index and trigger log event

Getting at 'role' of user is harder. We don't require DataONE users to provide this kind of information when they register/log in.
We track common name, public email affiliation/account (e.g. Google acct, university or org acct), organizational affiliation, access point.

We could ask users to fill out simple profile that would report type of researcher/field they represent, but what % of registered users would fill it out? Users don't have to log in to use system. What's the value-added for them? What benefit/service do they get? Social networking services/linkages?

Periodic pop-up surveys w/1-3 questions?

Should DataONE be investing in building these capabilities, since other portals exist out there? We have multiple stakeholder audiences we're tasked with serving.

Does focus need to be on user level, or is it really the object level of use that we should focus on?

How do we intend to provide metrics/stats back to MNs?
- on agenda of CCIT to deliver in Feb.

What are minimal stats we'd want to expose to MNs on portal?
DataONE may need to do some SEO work w/Google to get ONEMercury and dataone.org more prominently featured