Discussion about stats collection / monitoring of replication stuff

For each node track:

  - queued status of mn replication tasks
  - requested status
  - completed status
  - failed status

each value is an integer representing the total 

Create a new HZ map structure: hzNodeReplicationStatus
Process cluster

keys (String) = NodeID + "_" + "queued" | "requested" | "completed" | "failed" | "invalidated"
value (integer) = count

Modify WatchHazel to track this additional structure - no changes to the watchhazel server side component should be needed. Client will need to respond to events on the hzNodeReplicationStatus structure and update client side tracking of the values.


1. Instrument processing service to emit values into the new monitoring HZ structure

2. Verify server side component of watch hazel will work with no canges, or update as necessary

Events to monitor would be:
- new entry created -> client should create a new row in the UI 
- entry updated -> client needs the value of the entry transmitted in the update message, i.e. key + value
- entry removed (?) -> client removes the row from the UI (may be best to just leave it there and indicate inactive)

3. Implement new client side page to render the values from the map entries rather than simply tracking the events on the structure

Layout will be something like:

Node | Property | current value | graph of values (sparkline) |