Attending -- Jim, Jane, Nassib, Greg, Tim, John, Angela, Karthik, Rob, Jane: not just on the web, but for the web, not hidden, not academic, but used Nassib: started to mockup with Coordino (Cake-PHP), software has done a bunch but has problems Karthik: seems like Coordino is under active development Tim: happy that you're focussing on the UI; the GBIF vocab UI was too complex Tim: very important to do multiple languages [Tim? can we turn this into a software requirement ] Rob: could be very hard to support for multiple languages Jane: could this be done as part of a non-tech goal Tim: do you have a "versioned bag of terms?" Darwin Core has "basis of record" (human obs, machine observation,...) ouch hard, terms that are deprecated, split terms Greg: can people edit terms to consolidate terms? Karthik: yes, with sufficient reputation, and we can adjust default starter reputations, multiple terms under the same natural language [our data model should have conceptid] Jim: need ability to call up specific persistent version [this is the "release" tagged version] Jane: need prioritized functionality wishlist Nassib: 3 dimensions of functionality: propose, edit, comment Scheduling conference: every 3 weeks for now, re-evaluate rythym in January Feb for f2f Jane: non-tech DataONE goals include "assessment" Round the room: Jane: RDA doing metadata in the opposite way to us John: Dublin Core ISO standardization, Diane Hillman from OpenMetadata says use a more online, evolvable approach Greg: EOL is a destination, are we a destination? Maybe we have a "reader" view for the non-geeks that hides the voting numbers, as opposed to an "edit" mode. Rob: stackoverflow seems like the best model Jim: see Karthik: seems complex, but straightforward to do in stackoverflow model Nassib: wonders about practical realities Rob: will send something to list about the OBO foundry investigation Rob: google+ better than skype, but readytalk works best John: will contact Jim about Registry state workflow and Tim separately