NSF: Bob Chadduck, Dane Skow, Irene Lombardo, Bonnie Mountain
TerraPop: Steve Ruggles, Tracy Kugler, Catherine Fitch
SEAD: Margaret Hedstrom
DFC: Reagan Moore,  Mary Whitton
DataONE:  William Michener, Rebecca Koskela, Amber Budden, Dave Vieglais

Thursday 16 August beginning @ 11:00am EDT.

The teleconference number is: 1-877-624-8532
The participant code is:  281913#

Agenda Items:Thursday 16 August beginning @ 11:00am EDT.

The teleconference number is: 1-877-624-8532
The participant code is:  281913#

Agenda Items:

1.  Call scheduling

Propoposed a continuation of calls - every third Thursday of the month for joint calls and
use the other Thursdays for NSF/DataNet calls - will need to schedule the DataONE calls

DFC: 1st Thursday
NSF will send out calendar from their understanding and get agreement from everyone
NSF will then set up the weekly teleconferences
Goal: explicit schedule for teleconferences

Margaret won't be available for Oct 18th call but will have project manager in place by then
Bob's calendar has
23rd: SEAD
Aug 30: DFC
Sep 6: Terra Pop

Want to make sure that the 3 new DataNets have an opportunity to talk to NSF before the
September 12th review

Include who is responsible for scribing on the schedule

2. From TerraPop:
No - identical amount of time but how time is spent will be tailored to each DataNet

3.  From SEAD:
Each of the 3 teams - no more than 8 hours of review; with start time 8-8:30
Opportunity to present substantive developments in prototype
Common piece: 12 month present opportunity to present substantive progress in prototype -
details will differ for each DataNet; do it in a manner that shows progress is being made
More in spirit of a conversation for help with preparing for the 18-month review

Dane still going to write up what will constitute an A+ in the 18-month review

From NSF: Bob, Dane, Irene, Bonnie Mountain
Does administrative piece need to be included?
Can present some materials in paper 

DataNets can contribute to the agenda for each review

Will the DataNets receive a written report of the 12 month review?  You will receive a report and it will be consistent with other 12 month NSF reviews.  Need to be consistent with Foundation processes. 
For some, reviewers do present an oral review at the end - should time be alloted for that?

Terra Pop and DFC - coordinate clock schedules of when expect to arrive at airport
TP: 4 & 4 or 3 & 5 (over 2 days but 8 hours total) will confirm once travel schedule is

The opportunity, in addition to the review, share with NSF the proposed evaluation criteria for the 18 month review and if you haven't done so already, prepare written response to the questions raised in the April review
Present progress since April

April 2013 meeting will be in Washington, DC but no dates have been selected yet

 4.  From DataONE:
Is the OCI visit to Knoxville  still on the calendar for September 10?
Interoperability is now 20% of the review - should this be included in the upcoming review
Key item is progress so present what has occurred/status

Quarterly report due October 1st - can use the materials for the RSV for the quarterly report?
Yes, not identical  SEAD RSV is Sept 26 so much overlap

Quarterly reports submit through FastLane? Bob will check on this because the CAs differ for the DataNets

Reagan - started Sept 1st so what is their quarter?  Bob will check and get back on this

TP - 

Dane will be circulating schedule

Line will be left open until noon (EDT) for remainder of DataNet conversation

Experience of last few weeks - include tracking of reports (including co-PIs) in the management plans

Can discuss this during the DataNet portion of the call

DFC: Had done one between  2 subcontractors - got informal notice that the award was made but haven't received the money yet (didn't come in time for the summer)

Interoperability - hard to find undergraduates that can contribute

Bottom line: timing is difficult so may not be the right time and could consider again next year

TP - where is the Sep 12 deadline coming from? Had been told it was October 1
SEAD - grant administrator - one between SEAD and Terra Pop would make sense, primarily cleaning up data, some of the ICPSR framing

If Sep 12th is correct date, time constraints are such that it wouldn't work

Reagan: reponses from his Interoperability proposal
DataONE will send response after this call

Want comments by the end of August, will digest and send out new version

Document writing due early September - link to Google docs is on the DataNet wiki page