-- this meeting did not take place -- key people traveling Attendees: Regrets: DataONE LT Call: 9am AK/10am PT/11am MT/noon CT/1pm ET 1. Please join my meeting, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:00 AM MST. https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/791814825 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Dial 1 (636) 277-0130 Access Code: 791-814-825 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 791-814-825 GoToMeeting® Online Meetings Made Easy™ Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app. We will also use the epad: http://epad.dataone.org/2012Dec07-LT-VTC if participants can get to it. If you have items to add, let me know. Agenda for 2012-12-07 1) CI Update (Vieglais) 2) CE Update (Budden) 3) Preparations for the EAB meeting 12/17-18 (Koskela) 4) Around the room