. Joint DataONE EVA & Provenance Teleconference Participants: Bertram, Steve, Dave V., Colin, Fei Du, Yaxing, Bob, Aritra, Paolo, Victor Regrets: Bill ------------------------------------------------------- To join the audio conference ------------------------------------------------------- 1-866-703-9626 pass code: 767574 1. Introduce past and current DataONE Provenance WG activities (tools, technologies, …) - Bertram, Paolo 2. Introduce the DataONE EVA and Provenance summer intern projects - Bertram, Yaxing 3. Discuss challenges on data search, evaluation, analysis, etc. that climate scientists are currently facing Bill: - Need to track how a "workflow" evolves and their different versions - Get a family tree of a data product - genealolgy of related data products 4. Discuss how Provenance and EVA can help to address these challenges. Outcomes of this discussion will guide the development of use cases for DataONE Provenance & EVA summer intern projects. Steve: - OPeNDAP OPULS (see http://docs.opendap.org/index.php/OPULS:_UGrid_Subsetting and http://docs.opendap.org/index.php/OPULS:_UGrid_Subsetting)? at the OPeNDAP website. Also, Dave Fulker gave a BESSIG talk entitled "A (Very) Rough Idea: Raster Binning & Masking Services" at the 2012-09-19 meeting.Seeking feedback from the group, Dave summarized it as: "A new type of data query/response service built (perhaps for EarthCube) around a standardized space-time raster that has a dual function. Via Raster Binning & Masking Services (RBinMasks), users would gain a means to specify (irregular) space-time regions of interest and to gain space-time distributions of pertinent data, without--or before--retrieving actual values." I don't know the status of the RBinMask concept) - UDUNITS - Global Change .. (GCIS) activities (will - Please also see Apache OODT (http://oodt.apache.org) for another workflow/management approach. Introductory reference: Computing: A vision for data science * Chris A. Mattmann Nature 493, 473–475 (24 January 2013) doi:10.1038/493473a Published online 23 January 2013 Collin: - OPeNDAP Subset useful for Geo Data Portal - Summary calculation and visualization (box plots, line charts,) i.e. I provide a polygon that outlines an area of interest (a park for example) and specify a climate dataset. The tool would provide an image file or VisTrails spreadsheet cell that has visualizations of the climate in this area. For example like the tools in: http://regclim.coas.oregonstate.edu/visualization/gccv/cmip5-global-climate-change-viewer/index.html - Visualization of spatial data in spreadsheet. A custom VisTrails spreadsheet cell that was designed for climate data would be helpful. This item would maybe have a timeslider and sync between multiple cells. (uses matplotlib and basemap toolkit ) Bertram: Solicit scientists' con Steve: - More more and people are using provenance recently. A few working groups. - Want to hear more about D-PROV. Both human-reable and machine-readable representations. - Look forward to talking more 5. Solicit new data visualization and analysis functionalities for the DataONE EVA summer intern project to add into UV-CDAT/VisTrails.