EVA WG: Subgroup on Visualization Techniques August 27, 2013 Participants: Aritra Dasgupta, Steve Aulenbach, Yaxing Wei, Dan Ricciuto, Christopher Schwalm, Enrico Boldrini, Anna Michalak, Bill Hargrove, Debbie Huntzinger, Claudio SIlva not able to participate: Forrest Hoffman Agenda 1. Updates 2. Vis techniques 3. Next teleconference 4. Other Topics Notes from August 2, 2013 Teleconference http://epad.dataone.org/2013-08-02-EVA-Telecon Notes 1. Updates -- Bob * Next EVA Working Group Meeting is October 22 - 24, 2013, Tamaya Hyatt Hotel, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM * Part of the DataONE All-Hands Meeting * EVA will meet for 2 to 2.5 days * DataONE will have plenary sessions and poster / session reception * Logistics will be announced in next few weeks * Air and hotel reservations will be made by DataONE (RioGrande travel) * Travel expenses will be covered by DataONE * DataONE EVA pbWiki: http://dataoneeva.pbworks.com 2. Vis Techniques -- Aritra * One part of this activity was to collect figures (maps, scatter plots, bar charts, line plots) from the literature, critique the effectiveness of these plots, and develop a set of categories for the effectiveness. * Maps * matrix of 17 North American images of model outputs * show spatial extent of the models and show the many ways the models are different * not just range or mean, but the spatial patterns of lows and highs * other figures in the paper show slices of these images * aesthetics: thick lines, outline of continent, background (green and purple (too close to the color bar) * lots of room for improvement in aesthetics * color choices (get rid of rainbow); different scales is a hindrance; move units next to color bar, * Maps have their own advantages, hard to replace * Scatter Plots * for Figure from Debbie's figure, use lines and give each "outlier" model a symbol to indicate which model * need to define what an "outlier" * within a paper, it would be good to use a common format for each figure (always have GPP on top). Having one different (cf. slide 7) then it may be hard to carry information from one slide to the next. * Ozone figure: remove individual model points and retain just the line to remove clutter * but keep each individual observations * * Line Charts * The other part of this activity is to pick representative visualizations and develop alternative methods for visualizing the data. * Ultimately the group will develop a set of best practices for visualizing complex data. Examples Scatterplots Maps 3. Next Teleconference will do a Doodle Poll