D1MWG Meeting Agenda and Notes Attending: John, Jane, Greg, Nassib, Angela, Karthik Regrets: Viv, Sarah, 1. recap of outcomes from AHM (also possible CrossRef help) ** ? ask Geoff Bilder or other CrossRef rep to join the group ** ? let Stephen Richard join (btw) -- or let him join email list w.o. joining the group? * set up a discussion list separate from WG list for PPSR folks, students, etc? 2. recap of outcomes TDWG (caught up with Rob Guralnick, Tim Robertson) to do: post slides 3. voting on the name. (jane's view... folks, SeaIce is sticking... i'm not kidding!) John: explore short names: YAMS, M4S, M4T, ... what about others 4. updates/status reporting - FAQs (Greg, John, all) - About page (John, others... status) - Deploying to heroku: Thanks, Nassib! https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git AWS? scale up and scale back eg, during demos ! Karthik: will look into ballpark prices - Development Priorities: ** Greg: how to populate it to start with? Need it to have more gravity before rollout. John: work with PPSR people to get relatively jargon-free terms in? ! John: Dublin Core to start with also? ** Nassib: how can the system work if we're doing nothing with reputation? ! Nassib: I will work on this ** Karthik: good to have an API at least for search, ranked ** John: way to view cluster of terms with, eg, for PPSR - Ranking Algorithm (Nassib) - ! Comparison matrix (Angela) - DLF (John/jane) - PPSR - (jane) ! Jane to summarize for our group - Provenance, Semantics, any follow up (John?) 5. New ideas - Liasoning w/another metadata community (**Viv, perhaps a place for you to jump in?) - Action items to continue work - (Greg's point about progress when we worked independently and in smaller groups) - other ideas 6. outstanding business 7. Around the room