Notes for Standup, 2013-16-Block-2-4 ==================================== Chris B. -------- * 20130426 * Laptop upgrade troubles * Planning on Ansible demo for Monday * 20130424 * Ansible is now reading the config template file * working on user input now * Ansible walk through on Monday * 20130422 * debian package work for Ansible-based packaging * handling test cases * shooting for finishing up this week * Coordinate with Roger at UT next week * 20130419 * Progress on the Ansible modules * writing deb-conf - interacts with debconf backend * writing 'sitefacts' module * Uses the XML config file to build a list of the variables for the environment that module is run in (configuration info) * plan to finish this up next * 20130417 * Working on XML Schema for configuration under Ansible * 20130415 * Meeting with Robert: Ansible * agreed on XML schema for configuring CNs * values from debconf * user input * template values, etc. * modifying the debconf Rob --- * 20130426 * Finished up libclient ORE validation work (according to new documentation on this) * Working with RDFS reasoners in lib_client_java - inverse relationship inferencing * 20130424 * Working on loose end tickets in Block 2 wrt mutability, d1-client, etc * Worked on resource map validation in d1_client_java * fails on problems, needs to report better * use a straight exception * Dave: aggregation ID can be resource map URI + a fragment * Dave and Matt will review the DataPackage documentation * 20130419 * Working on isDescribedBy relationship in ORE documents, and how it's used * working on integration tests for checking resource map construction * Will add in story on validating recource maps on the CN ( * require both sides of inverse relationships as a D1 requirement, to be loosened later * make it super simple to produce these maps by putting in libclient java and python * create a service that uses RDFS reasoners to get the triples * is there a way to limit all the triples that it processes? we only want describes, documents and their inverses, at least for indexing * memory issues related to large models * have the indexer make use of the library for obtaining the triples it needs to populate appropriate fields. * 20130417 * Committed documentation for resource maps * needs review: * * resource map parsing * worked with Roger on python parsing of EDAC * In Java: ResourceMap is a foresite object, we may not want others to have to code against foresite * Meeting at UNM: * content mutability discussion * EDAC: content metdata + data into a zip file, and add another science metadata object * Brings up package delivery issues: use BagIt instead? * Implement services to get and load BagIt packages via the DataONE API * 20130415 * Working on bug for system metadata without a submitter subject * CN tester submits without a contact (submitter) * Metacat should be checking this value (CN.create handler) * Needs to throw InvalidSystemMetadata * create cn.create() integration test that pulls the metadata to make sure everything is OK. * Working with EDAC on tests * looking at their serialized resource maps * failing to deserialize with the Java ResourceMapFactory * should we throw an exception if we get a null map? * yes * How does the foresite python library handle this? * have not cross-compared java and python libraries wrt serialization/deserialization Roger ----- * 20130426 * time off * Set up back up system locally * ONEDrive Ticket: 3640 is done - couldn't reproduce it * artifact of a decision on setting up filters, jumping directly to editing * Found another bug: ONEDrive discrepancies between the index and what is available locally (getting access denied) * ONEDrive should handle this * The index shouldn't be showing these pids anyway (Skye will look) * Mockup screenshots for the U/A meeting * met yesterday with Dave, Robert, others going to the meeting * 20130422 * Added in libclient examples for Solr queries * More mockups for ONEDrive * zip file objects * each object could be exposed as multiple formats * plugin-based transformations * meeting tomorrow * Working on backlog of tickets * 20130419 * Added ore parsing example for Rob * parsing of example from Rob worked in python * Added another ONEDrive mockup * really need the 'displayName' attribute to make files look right * 20130417 * Worked with Rob on ORE maps * Rob will try to parse via Java, need to do vice versa with python * Worked on Mockups * added two more - geographical area - by country or by lat/lon - needs UI work for degrees minutes seconds * writing up an overview of the mockups * call with Mike Frame next week on usability meeting * 20130415 * ONEDrive mockups demo on Friday * Looked through mutability document: meeting? Matt ---- * 20130426 * 20130424 * 20130422 * 20130419 * Worked on MN checklist * 20130417 * 20130415 * Need to ccordinate with SEAD folks Skye ---- * 20130426 * Audit reporting work + unit testing * Fixed the issue Matt reported re: CN host names * 20130424 * Tracked down UTF-8 issues in ONEMercury * Search and facet encodings had to be fixed to not use ISO 8859-1 * Will get this into the buildout * Met with chris and Ranjeet for DAAC and USGS issues * application/octet-stream * will change format ids on the CNs * removed content: Ranjeet will archive those * USGS problems too - will update archived flag for old objects too * Synchronization report would be helpful * Replication auditing now * 20130422 * ORNL DAAC resource maps issue * can't confirm 1029 - MN has 1011 * mistyped resource maps, then fixed them? * Chris will look into the Dave/Ranjeet email thread * ONEMercury encodings * EML XSLT views had ISO 8859-1 encoding declarations * fixed these * Will be at tech conference on Lucene in San Diego all next week * 20130419 * Worked on UTF-8 encoding in ONEMercury * tried this in dev, set the Tomcat Connector encoding attribute * Looked at how the maven shade plugin works * index task processing and task generator daemons, no longer being put into maven * done in the buildout * Need a bit of help on the missing objects on the CNstated in the object path map * Back into auditing - XML output for the reports, with XSLT * 20130417 * Re-indexed objects in stage * Working through ONEMercury UTF-8 support * Tomcat connector isn't config'd to UTF-8: need to change this in cn-buildout * Production index counts: * Some documents not getting copied to UNM (200 ish objects) * some pids don't have the object path in hzObjectPath map (40ish pids in UCSB and ORC) * Worked with Jing on indexing jar - made changes to POM for dependency-free jar * create separate jars: one for shaded daemon jar, one for a jar without the shaded dependencies * 20130415 * SEAD: bug fixes would need to go into production if we move SEAD there * Working on Auditing reporting * Updated ReplicationManager to use not only authMN copies of replicas a source Ben --- * 20130426 * Metacat work * SANPARKS discussion with Judith Kruger - more content in their MN * 20120424 * Will upgrade the KNB this evening - 2.0.6 * Dealing with backups * Will be able to turn on log aggregation (fixed OOM) * Upgraded the SANPARKS node * PISCO is at 2.0.5 * 20130422 * Worked on notes since Friday for relationship handlings and RDF reasoners * 20130422 * Testing and tagging Metacat 2.0.6 * Will fix hudson config * 20130419 * restart of UCSB in production. postgres connection pool issue, portal was failing * need to look into connection pool leaks * Working with TFRI MN - ensuring CNs handle UTF8 character set * need to look at ORE maps * 20130417 * Semantics meeting * /portal vs /portal/ - do both work? * 20130415 * TFRI is sync'ing in stage * indexing may be out of sync * Display of chinese characters needs work * Title should have a translated version? Robert ------ * 20130426 * Time off Thursday * Testing on Wed with Chris B. wrt CN buildout packages * Config files aren't available during the config phase * will meet with Chris again * 20130424 * debian package work - user input and overriding issues * 20130422 * Time off Thu/Fri * Working on debian packaging * testing locally for now * 20130417 * cn-buildout coding for using new XML schema for describing configuration * prepping for usability meeting * 20130415 * More meetings on Friday: spoke with Chris B. * might have some more changes today * multiple flags will indicate the source of a config param's value * CNs look to be in sync after TC, slapd restart * indexing is off in terms of counts * will work with Skye on re-indexing the remaining Dave ---- * 20130426 * redmine ticket review * quarterly report * travel and meeting preps * outlining a number of new use cases related to changing properties on sysmeta * need to spec out additional use cases wrt system metadata mutability * how does one change the auth MN?, etc. * 20130424 * ORE work - working on a parser using RDFquery * many malformed resource maps in the dev environments. Will check into this. ONEShare? * Working on dataPackages doc * 20130422 * Traveling * Javascript parsing of resource maps * will be able to introspect ores in the browser * software tools for querying Solr * * Maintenance of redmine, etc. * Adding in sprints through remainder of project * need backlog triage * 20130417 * European Union group call - possible interactions * * Writing documentation * General architecture introductions * tool that encodes Solr query terms * Patrice is interested in certain queries * CCIT call on Monday Chris ----- * 20130424 * DAAC/USGS work with Ranjeet and Skye * d1noderegister script * adding registration info to MN checklist * TODO: email Bob Cook re: DAAC * Followup: mutability discussion * Next steps: work on detailed impl (API calls, handling sids, etc) * 20130419 * TODO: ticket for postgresql connection pool issues * SEAD: new object formats in Stage, working with Kavitha on rightsHolder entries * Metacat replication troubleshooting * Meetings with Matt, Jing on Metacat * Meeting with LTER sensors group * 20130417 * Rob: generated the EDAC test cert, access set to sscott, rnahf * * Working on Metacat locally - blocked by some configuration issues * need some time with Ben for some configuration troubleshooting - after standup? * SEAD: In touch with Kavitha, but not hearing back. Assuming the stage env will be used for screenshots for their NSF review * Sensor network best practices writeup work * Chris B./ Skye: coordinate on d1_indexing work * Mutability discussion email out to Dave - not sure if he's on leave at the moment * Robert: okay to add cn-orc-1 back into the RR? * Chris B: IP address for In redmine ticket * TODO: Ticket for implementing services to get and load BagIt packages via the DataONE API * 20130415 * SEAD update of system metadata * Metacat: troubleshooting replication update calls * Sensor network workshop writeup * TODO: schedule mutability discussion * TODO: internationalization discussion (CCIT?): * should DataONE require minimal english metadata fields?