Notes for Sprints in 2013-26-Block-4-1 ====================================== Ben --- * 20130703 * Stage has CCI 1.2.0 packages installed * ready to deploy to production today * 20130701 * Testing 1.2 release on sandbox with Skye * Some solr-extensions changes * May need to re-index sandbox CNs to ensure indices are the same * CLOAKN: formatId changed? * big CSV compressed with gzip (formatId=text/csv, but really .gz) * 20130628 * Working on the portal release. * Deployed in sandbox, since cn-stage is on stable channel now * Working with Skye on different parts * version mismatches of libs: indexing and process daemon will be using older libs * upshot: will allow the mismatch until the next release (about a month) * dataone-portal, dataone-cn-rest-service,dataone-mercury deb packages * 20130626 * Waiting on jibx changes for common and libclient * Blocks portal tagging * Will prep release when this is done * Need to restrict identity verification to CN admins * ServiceMethodRestriction * CN property * Will write up a ticket for the 1.2 release * 20130624 * Working on Metacat bugs that cropped up this week * CLOAKN is now sync'ing * Will be working on portal roll out Chris B. -------- * 20130703 * Working on the ORE parsing * 20130701 * Finished re-LUN over the weekend * Updated vdisks in vCenter - maintenance is done * David is focusing on grad work, some time off * Working on ORE indexing work again * Will test ONEDrive locally once Dave/Roger check in the most recent changes * 20130628 * Finished VM migrations except cn-orc-1. Soon. * Add back to the RR after * dataone-cn-os-core: Robert: in development * Working on resource map parsing * 20130624 * Installing hazelcast locally * showing up on 5701 * Worked on SANs over the weekend * still need to resize cn-dev-orc-1 * ready for the production orc CN * will take it out of the RR David ----- * 20130701 * Worked with Chris on LUN stuff * out this week * 20130626 * Continued work on LUN resizing with Chris * Grad school work, plus some down time - so not terribly available this week * 20130624 * Same as Chris * ran into some trouble resizing LUNs Dave V ------ * 20130703 * More ONEDrive cleanup, features, compiled distro for Mary Beth and Mike Frame * Prep for DUG * 20130701 * More ONEDrive work - lots of cleanup * Now working with cache refresh so that workspace changes are shown and rendering of science metadata etc within packages. * Buildin a SOLR query cook book * 20130628 * Working on ONEDrive * Preparations for DUG meeting * 20130626 * Will work with Roger re: ONEDrive * Added script to repo view to enable txt2html * Working on ONEDrive * 20130624 * At provenance meeting in NY * Working on onedrive presentation layer * Listen only mode today Robert ------ * 20130703 * Will be running the delete script on stage * ready for production * targeting USGACSAS & ORNLDAAC * 20130701 * Working on delete() code and updating Metacat tables * Will test on dev todayish * * 20130628 * Working on the delete() functionality in dev * cn dev got a bit hosed: ldap logs filled up disk space * Single machine CN.delete() works * In a cluster: replication deletes() are partial * file remains on disk * gone from xml_documents * gone from systemmetadata? * Wrote up tickets for jibx changes for CCI 1.3 * 20130624 * Testing the delete scripts this morning on local VMs * will move to dev CN testing * Also working on jibx changes for handling pid validation * Will work on post remove removal Rob --- * 20130703 * Rewrote registration documentation * EDAC Ready to join stage * ESRI metadata will be okay * Will be in touch with Ryan today * Request for guides for operational procedures * * 20130701 * Dryad emails to Ryan * need a data format registration process (new format ids) * In contact with Soren Friday re: resource maps * What triple statements are required in an ORE? Will work with Skye to be sure * Sent out MN high level document to introduce them to joining D1 * Working through this top level documentation * Doctor appt in the pm * 20130628 * Working with Ryan @ Dryad * Chris: write up tickets for troubleshooting work * Soren @ EDAC * working on resource map template that parses * Tier 1: syncFailed() passes in MMP payload. Requires an external lib for parsing. * Documentation based on feedback * 20130626 * Working on Dryad with Ryan * base URL is https: * Web tester fails * So, move to http for now. Don't redirect from https * Ampersand issue in resource maps * Ryan gave feedback on the checklist * Will add a ticket and address his feedback * 20130624 * Getting source code links into d1_integration * may need to copy source into resources branch * Added extra help into the MN checklist * Will be focusing on EDAC with Rebecca * shooting for end of month to be in production * reluctant to use foresite (orphaned?) Skye ---- * 20130703 * Working on the 1.2.1 CN release issues * author hierarchy for ONEDrive: new fields for that * FGBC and Dryad uses concatenated first, name surname * Working on 1.2 release * Back to auditing * 20130701 * In sandbox testing 1.2 release * problem with RR in sandbox - * ready to tag mercury and solr-extension * Working on other mercury issues * UNM holiday Thu. * 20130628 * trsting portal in sandbox * testing onemerc in sandbox * old apache commons codec issue: old version jar * commons-codec in Solr 1.4, apache HTTP: now just net.oauth.core version * ucsb sandbox cn VM timing out * 9 apt-get processes, huge load. tomcat, huge load * automatic updates for non-production VMs? * todo: take it out of the RR (Chris) * Getting Merc on sandbox * 20130626 * 1.2 release: needs organization * do we include attribute search? * EML XSL bug fix * Object format change affects indexing * Should meet on this * Cleared out USGSCSAS tickets with Chris * Working on EML XSL in ONEMercury * Working on Dryad - indexing science metadata * 20130624 * Looking into USGS CSAS * pids not in the index * looks like it wasn't comprehensive (some starting with nrdata, www, etc.) * looked at resource maps: look broken. Naming changed? * eg: doi:10.5066/F7WW7FN6, * identifiers in the resource map doesn't match the actual DOIs in the system * PISCO member node is down * ONEShare: EML doesn't have
or sub elements * our XSLT isn't rendering some text * will work on XSLT and will compare against the EML schema for correctness * will check the original EML svn versions * Will add these mercury changes into CN 1.2 release * Morpho issue: data file names are mapped to old docids, not to new pids. * Is this an issue? * Continued work on Zookeeper config Roger ----- * 20130703 * some trouble deploying the reverse geocoding service (region resolver) * went to nginx + uwsgi, but now back to apache + mod_wsgi * see example * 20130701 * Continued work on region hierarchies * Will try to get it working for tomorrow * 20130628 * Working with Dave on ONEDrive packaging * Reverse geocoding service is running locally * single REST call: input: upper left, lower right lat lon * returns json document * 20130626 * GDAL library looks great * hierarchichal structures * searching is consistent * issue: top level is country, not the continent * Will continue on region-based display in ONEDrive using GDAL * 20130624 * Installed GDAL library: provides some nice abstraction for geo data * experimenting with this now Chris ----- * 20130703 * working with EDAC instance document of ESRI metadata * tough to validate and transform all parts * * 20130701 * Working on Dryad namespace issues * redmine work to line out 1.2.1 and 1.3 releases * Q: USGSCSAS issue * Note to Mike Frame * 20130626 * 20130624 * Write ticket for Ranjeet re: incorrect resource maps. See Skye's notes above * Note to Mike F. re: PISCO MN down * USGSCSAS: archived pids in the CN system metadata for pids that were removed from the MN * * ORNLDAAC: archived pids in the CN system metadata for pids that were removed from the MN * * Will continue to work on PISCO content sync'ing for replication CN Release 1.2 notes -------------------- * Change to d1_portal API will induce a change in ONEMercury CCI 1.2 * Changes to using Ansible would go into CCI 1.2.1 * d1_jibx_extensions CCI 1.3 * Change to Dryad formatId will induce a change to d1_index config file CCI 1.2.1 * can be changed in the production config file * Dryad Indexing Support: CCI 1.2.1 * Resource maps for Dryad: CCI 1.2.1 * Multiple science metadata describe a single data file * Dryad XSL is new, needs testing * d1_index improvements to attribute fields being indexed CCI 1.2.1 * ONEMercury could then search on those attributes CCI 1.2.1 * attributeText is now attribute * not removing dups at the moment for attribute fields * d1_index support for esri FGDC....probably not used by MN yet - its ready anytime CCI 1.3 * d1_indexing upporting ONEDrive hierarchy browsing CCI 1.2.x * Name support isn't quite ready yet CCI 1.2.1 * Taxanomic is good to go - raw metadata, not referencing a taxon service CCI 1.2.1 * Region hierarchy is being worked on CCI 1.2.x (1.3?) * Due to the complexity of the Dryad schema, d1_indexing may have redundant information * Identity verification on the CNs, (d1_identity) CCI 1.2 * will limit to CN admins at the moment * requires code change in d1_identity to consult CN config files and ServiceMethodRestriction * Metacat 2.0.8 bug fix for pid validation CCI 1.2 OUT OF SCOPE * Series identifier support?? * At least include schema changes necessary to include a series identifier * Spatial hierarchy * Author Name hierarchy Schedule: 1.2 - Deploy in Block 26 (By end of first week of July) 1.2.1 - Deploy in Block 28 (By end of 3rd week of July) 1.3 - Deploy in Block 30 (by end of first week of Aug)