Development Block 5.1 ===================== Release CCI 1.2.2, excluding ORE parsing changes. Determine if Dryad profiles will be supported in this release. Roger * 20130906 * working with CJ at KU for stage testing * don't think they have test certificates * new Pasta node, ready for staging * should we use the same nodeID or a new one? * from earlier conversation, best to keep the same node ID, conceptually the same node * all existing content will be archived, the node goes down, then comes up with new content. * the archived content will be available only at replication sites. * should the new content be seen as updates of the old ones? * need to update the replica information on the system metadata. * Dave, Roger, Matt, and Mark to discuss * looking into making a windows installer for CLI * usually needs different installers for python versions and 32/64bit * C-extension support for some libs needed * tickets for Mac installs * 20130904 * updating python dependencies to use fixed versions, instead of latest. * will reach out to: * KU * pasta (LTER GMN) status * info: rework of how they expose their content. Deprecate old representations. * mn.update behavior - should we move to have only one way to do obsoletes instead of two ways? Rob * 20130904 * more documentation progress * * 20130830 * MN documentation with Laura * Scoping projects: need a project page for GMN * NodeRegistry work: backburner, but will get to this next week * 20130828 * drafted high-level MN onboarding document to be put on > participate > Member Node * * will either hand off to Chris Allen to put on the site, or do it myself (already using DataONE color palette) * will align mid-level MN onboarding process diagram with it, in terms of phase and step names. * Following up with EDAC * will omit links back to services in sci meta docs * 20130826 * Working with Laura on MN checklist documentation * What's the entrance condition into the "Testing" phase is * Registering new formats Skye * 20130906 * for testing the release * created java libclient tool for transfering packages into sandbox env * trouble with eml submissions in mn-sandbox-ucsb-1 * * 20130904 * blockers: * on Hudson, poms without versions failed? * HTTPClient not downloading (missing dependencies) * Dave will do some work on Hudson * content for SANDBOX testing * trying to get Demo1, Demo2 back "into rotation" on SANDBOX * these have a good variety of content * Robert to help out * added solr features to help out with ONEMercury * some performance improvements * 20130830 * Release work for 1.2.2 * 3 1/2 hours to run ansible playbooks * Bouncy Castle not present? * dataone-cn-solr install allowed openjdk-6 over java-sun-6. Need to resolve this and remove openjdk-6 * Ansible playbook was incorrect, needs fix. * Added dev docs for index processing: * * 20130828 * having trouble getting builds to complete on hudson * downloading jar problem. full disk issue? * need someone to look at this - Dave will have a look * Public key now on sudo not working * Documentation on d1_indexing * 20130826 * Pushing the 1.2.2 release to stable, will change ORE parsing factory to XPATH for now * requires a 1.2.3 release when Merritt catches up * Dryad support will be pushed to 1.2.3 * Author last name sorting Robert * 20130906 * out yesterday - cold * will work with Skye on packaging stuff * YAML - "install = NO" problem. * working on issue 3886 - strategy for manipulating solr log query strings for dashboard public access * 20130904 * working on issue 3886 - strategy for manipulating solr log query strings for dashboard public access * 20130830 * Work on UNM CN node issues - need to get it back into the RR * #3886 is a priority * Ansible: peg packages to a certain level of support * Also, upgrading servers. SSH only sends one command per session Chris B. * 20130906 * same 4 tasks as Wed. * some promising results for Ansible * Fireball and py-mico(?) give better performance * Fireball more work to set up, but faster. * Fireball to be replaced by Accelerate, and should reduce the work, but not out yet. * * 20130904 * tasks 3959-62: ansible transport to speed up time and reduce dependencies. * 20130830 * Ansible: decide which packages need to be pegged * Eg: apache - peg this to a specific version * Upgrade SSH, or look at other transport * Helping David with splunk forwarders * 20130828 * Updated rsyslog on unm and ucsb dev box to forward to orc splunk server * dns entries aren't working, only direct IP addresses within the inputs.conf file. * using the geotrust intermediate cert, authenticating the server is next. * Splunk documentation. * Read up on OPeNDAP. * 20130826 * Setup a clean instance of Splunk with DataOne Cert for web, syslog and forwarding. * Documented procedures for installation and setup of splunk. * Talked to Dave on Friday about setting up remote rsyslog forwarding on a unm or ucsb dev box David * 20130906 * Splunk: * separate forwarder for prod to get around issues * trying new configurations to use the new forwarder and test it out. * if works, use for other ORC boxes and then remote boxes. * * 20130904 * continued work on splunk. * obstacle: SSL certs on forwarders throwing errors. Wildcard certs aren't working in test environments because only goes down 1 subdomain. * meeting with Bruce later today to get a gameplan. Want to wrap up by Friday. * 20130830 * 90% done with forwarder on sandbox * working on SSL certs with Chris * continued work on sysadmin docs * 20130828 * Will work on splunk forwarders in sandbox * 20130826 * Not available on Mondays due to class conflict. Dave * 20130906 * administrative work * 20130904 * administrative work * Hudson * UNM storage requirements (research storage consortium) - chance to give input to get off NSF2 and using a newer protocol * block-level access vs. file access? * Agenda for CCIT and AHM meetings. * progress to date * schedule (and priorities) through July * sub-group for MN documentation to review it and nail down the details. * dashboard review / input * search index direction, enhancements * API changes * series ids * sysmeta control to MNs * slender nodes * 20130904 * Administrative work * Prep for CCIT, AHM meetings * Hudson appears to be working now * 20130830 * dealing with Hudson and Jenkins * 20130828 * working through cleaing up the release process ( * proposal writing * getting back to onedrive development * 20130826 * Travel Matt * 20130830 * Ben * 20130906 * Sem-Tools grant work, so will be not doing D1 * working on a Morpho release * will be helping a few of the MNs already working with. * 20130830 * continued work on the d1_dashboard * working with USANPN * 20130828 * Continued work on the d1_dashboard * restructuring to pull information from multiple sources * * 20130826 * working on the d1_dashboard * D3 visualizations work Chris * 20130911 * Continued work on the data distribution map / heatmap display * working on a server-side script to produce a JSON output for heatmapjs * Story development for milestones * 20130903 * Working on a plan for indexing N/S/E/W bounding box centers as geohashes in the Solr index * will coordinate with Chris B. * will provide data for the dashboard map display (heatmap) * Working with Lee Marsh on USANPN registration in stage * Troubleshooting MN registration in sandbox with Skye * 20130830 * NKN, NPN certs * Dashboard heatmap work * Meetings: NKN * 20130826 * Working on dashboard implementation * currently working out some dependency issues for external libraries * working on mapping ui + heat map * Focusing on D3 for graphing summaries, etc. * Jing * 20130906 * subject management for Morpho * transitioning from LDAP identification to CILogon * impacts a lot of the Metacat Member Nodes * as a DataONE ITK * "subject mapping" will be responsibility of the individual Member Nodes MN.update behavior ------------------ "previous pid" provided in the parameters and also sysmeta of new object. - Client controls those fields in the system metadata - Member Node should ensure accuracy of inputs. - assume that we have to keep the method signature the same. - changing behavior would likely break released libclients Reference API Documentation: it would be better to make explicit how it needs to be specified. - clarifying the docs Kaisen meetings --------------- - what purpose is epad sprints serving? - would redmine be a better place for recording things? Release planning