Development Block 6.2 ===================== Last Block Etherpad: G+: Sprint Planning --------------------- * D1 Dashboard minimal rollout to production * Log aggregation data before we can go to prod. * Continue to provide new feature development * Design Mutability - Complete Draft of UseCases and Highlevel API changes * Fixing Production Errors * Move to Single Master Mode. * D1-processing service running only on single CN * Move to Rackspace DNS * Pushing MN-MN Replication * DataONE User Documentation * Splunk * Ansible Testing * MN rollouts * Dryad ( , EDAC and KUBI Chris B. -------- * 20131127 * Finished mac'ifying OneDrive. * Generates a .app bundle that should work on mac and includes all external dependencies except for fuse. * Network diagnostics * UNM is working now. Port 5002 is open for iperf * Going to work with David on Splunk'ifying the script. * Going to start anaylzing the results. * 20131125 * Created a script for doing network diagnostics. * It does a traceroute and iperf testing between sites. * It uses tcpdump to record the activity during iperf and then tshark to analyze the behavior of tcp. * It runs every hour between sites. * Collecting run data to analyze later. * Worked with David on Splunk regexes for Bruce. * 20131122 * Ansible * Ansible 1.4 released!!! (No passwd sudo for accelerate) * Removed the accelerate transport option from the playbooks * Problem: SSH transport now defaults with control persist. * Found out how to override it. * Testing playbooks with David * Network testing * Did networking between the sandbox cn's using traceroute and iperf * Can discuss initial results after standup * Next large file transfer with checksumming * * orc —> ucsb: 0.0-30.3 sec 53.5 MBytes 14.8 Mbits/sec 15.608 ms 114291/152430 (75%) * orc —> unm: 0.0-30.0 sec 213 MBytes 59.5 Mbits/sec * ucsb—> orc: 0.0-30.2 sec 2.91 GBytes 825 Mbits/sec 15.513 ms 1150598/3273464 (35%) * ucsb —>unm: 0.0-30.0 sec 5.28 GBytes 1.51 Gbits/sec * unm —> orc: 0.0-30.2 sec 3.27 GBytes 927 Mbits/sec 13.630 ms 2708933/5094083 (53%) * unm —> ucsb: 0.0-30.2 sec 1.27 GBytes 361 Mbits/sec 14.781 ms 4318368/5245940 (82%) * TCP * orc —> ucsb: 0.0-60.0 sec 2.34 GBytes 335 Mbits/sec * orc —> unm: * ucsb —> orc: 0.0-60.1 sec 165 MBytes 23.0 Mbits/sec * ucsb —> unm: * unm —> orc: 0.0-60.0 sec 125 MBytes 17.5 Mbits/sec * unm —> ucsb: * Splunk regex with David * 20131120 * Training David on settting up a node with ansible * Testing ansible playbooks on cn-dev-orc-1 * Need to decide on the nopasswd issue for sudo and accelerate * I want to do some network tests with iperf between the nodes * Fixing the object marker issue for dasboard * 20131118 * - Firewall issues at ORC were resolved a couple of weeks back. * Refining my fix for the google map display issue within dashboard * Confirmed that there is high and constant cpu utilization due to marker code in dashboard. * 20131115 * Same was Wed. * 20131113 * Have potential fixes for map view but I'm waiting to meet with Chris. * There are two ways of fixing the bugs with map view and I want to ask Chris J which way he would prefer. * Waiting of certs for cn-dev-orc-1 * Need to test the latest iteration of ansible playbooks. * Need to train david on setting up a dev box. David D. ------- * 20131127 * Working on Splunk searches for bwilson * Documentation - new sysadmin doc draft sent to bwilson/cbrumgard for perusal, splunk docs in progress * Helping cbrumgard with getting networking test script results findable/parseable in Splunk * Ansible and cn-dev - playbook testing * building a test cn-dev box using manual system already in place for training purposes * 20131122 * As 11-20, plus bwilson has some advanced searches he wants me to build for Splunk * 20131120 * ORC docs * splunk docs * cn-dev-orc-1 ansible build tests * 20131115 * Finishing off some ORC docs * Waiting for Redmine 4153 - prod MNs high priority, non-prod MNs and the one remaining non-prod CN less so * If CN certs come in to Chris B. from Dave/Chris J., will work on cn-dev install over the weekend/next week * Per Bruce, hope to have an idea of next steps w/Splunk by middle of next week * Working on an OS autoupdate issue w/one of our VMs at ORC today * 20131113 * Prod CNs at UNM and UCSB appear to be live in Splunk - going to doublecheck today and see what data is moving in, which non-prod boxes we're still waiting on * Meeting w/Bruce tomorrow - next steps w/Splunk Rob N. ------ * 20131127 * fixed sync logic bug #4182 * committed cn readOnly mode code. #4186 * 20131122 * EDAC can implement millisecond precision on fromDate in listObjects. * discovered that sync update method doesn't allow for null changes to be ignored, also that only one of obsoletedBy and isArchived is recorded due to 'else if' construct. * * will make subtask of 3736 for second point. * adjusting Tier1.testGet test to try to avoid getting very large objects: testing against EDAC tries to get a 200Mb item and throws a heap error. * adding millisecond precision test to Tier 1 MN tests. * 20131120 * troubleshooting EDAC issues in stage * EDAC time precision is lower than the standard, which is leaving a pid in the set of objects to sync. It's failing sync, too, so resulting in repeated syncFaileds being sent to the MN. * * 20131115 * committed draft of auth'r and auth'n overview (user-level guide), sending it to non-coredev people for review. * 20131113 * writing up authentication documentation (user-level guide) for architecture docs. * EDAC: * auditing sync and CN-replication of submitted content. * goal: review indexing with EDAC Skye ---- * PTO week of 11-25 thru 11-29 * 20131122 * System metadata, smreplicationstatus diff analysis (see bottom of epad) * Traiging Dryad test sync in cn-dev env. * Some ORE still referencing pids without metadata (still investigating) * 20131120 * Dashboard on dev Drupal CMS: * * smaller content area requires adjustments. * css conflicts between bootstrap and drupal theme. * Dryad test run. * forgot to manually deploy dryad xsd yesterday * EDAC triage missing pids with Rob. * 20131118 * Discussion with Robert and Chris about metacat updgrade * Noticed that the storage hazelcast cluster seems to remain fractured * Integration of dashboard into drupal CMS * Assuming left hand nav bar presence * Rebecca is asking if MN have agreed to stats? * 20131115 * Met with Chris Allen and Isis Serna at unm about integrating dashboard into dev site. * Replication operations. * Testing * 20131113 * HTTP to HTTPS redirect bug: * * Dashboard polish * Possibly helping with log aggregation output work * Answering many email questions from Amber, Rebecca, Bruce Jing ---- * 20131125 * Bug about the ssl configuration on ESA metacat * Bug aboout the mn.replicate can't handle the ssl exception correctly * 20131122 * Fixed the mutiple threads issues in perl to assign uid number. * Deployed the fix into my test machine * Need to fix incorrect values in the nceas's ldap in ou=Account * tickets * 20131120 * Fixed a security issue which the identity service did verify the certificate of the ldap server. * Working on an issue that no uidNumber is signed to the new created user. There is a race condition we need to watch out * Working on some bugs that reset password doesn't work. * NCEAS identity service is refered from the kepler site. * 2013115 * Installed the light-weight Metacat for the identity service in the * Developping a plan how to set up NCEAS identity service * 20131113 * Metacat identity management service, run only on apache. Work directly on NCEAS * Update LDAP Ecoinformatics, * Fix Metacat to access CN. * 2.3.0 Needs upgrading on production CN so as to archive documents. Roger ----- * 20131127 * Working on #4041: Review KUBI synchronization results * 20131125 * Working on #4041: Review KUBI synchronization results * 20131120 * Working on #4041: Review KUBI synchronization results * 20131118 * Working on #4020. * 20131115 * Worked on various documentation issues. * Now back to #4020: Create documentation for the Python test utilities * 20131113 * Completed parsing resource maps. Fixed Bugs, reimplemented to use SPARQL * Documentation Dave V ------ * 20131125 * Back to normal hours for a while, catching up on activity * 20131120 * At open linked data meeting in Taiwan * Working on UML rendering issue on mule1, seems to be related to version of dot * Developing plans for broader interactions with publishin groups * 20131115 * More proposal related work * Working through some python code review * 2013113 * Proposal and management work * In Taiwan next week, returning Friday Nov. 22nd Robert W -------- * 20131127 * Worked on CN Audit Design * 20131125 * Worked on CN Audit Design * 20131122 * Worked on CN Audit Design * 20131120 * Worked on CN Audit Design * Answered some questions, ignored others... * 20131118 * Production issues are becoming a nest of hornets * - Robert still investigating split brain issue. * - Split brain priority is higher than Metacat perf fixes * - Issues are not visisble from the outside. * - will probably need to merge CN sysmeta records then do MN resync. * - Two issues: Sysmeta is inconsistent and CNs have different sysmeta counts. * - LDAP problem also caused sync failures. Due to CNs not having entries for Gulf Watch. * 20131115 * MN-MN replication started for KNB. * 20131113 * Re-Replication of Content. UCSB and ORC are missing similar content that UNM holds. UNM is missing content that ORC holds. UCSB is missing a small set of content that ORC holds. * Diff on PIDs counts from three different CNs. Compare PID sets. Fix missing Objects on one cn to the next * use netcat to verify open ports between 3 cns * GOA, USANPN (obsoletes/ObsoletedBy) * SystemMetadata on the different CNs may not be correct. Work on a way to discover differences and resolve. Ben --- Total number of object that have replicas Total number of replicas that have been made by d1 replication service Total number of replicas requested by replication policies Update set of Pids from KNB to allow for a max of two replicas in replication policy Query CNs for counts of replicas vs replication policies For those replicas in the CN that does not have a replication policy, then is was an out of band replica (different count #) Query Archival MNs for Chris ----- * 20131127 * Continued SQL work on consistency reporting * Slow due to huge files * started querying now * Ask Ben about portal usability if 2 CNs are down * 20131125 * Working on VM for cn-consistency reporting * database-unm-1 - will load all 3 CN dbs into it * Conference with Robert/Skye/Chris re: consistency audit workflow * 20131122 * CN consitency checking * coordination with Robert and Skye * access policy inconsistency evaluation * Followup with MN wranglers re: GLEON * 20131115 * Catching up on emails * Working on replication of LTER objects, monitoring replication * UIC install Matt ---- * 20131125 * Continued work on R client refactoring to use httr * Started implementation of Node, CNode, and MNode in R * Reminder: source code moved to GitHub * CN Upgrade discussion Rollout Procedure for Metacat 2.3.0 ----------------------------------- 0. Turn off d1-processing 1. ensure CN metacats have replicated all content between themselves successfully. - Use Metacat admin ui first - Restart TC second - Use CN repair tool - runs on the CN, requires a diff'd list of pids as input, plus cn url it is replicating to 2.upgrade ucsb and unm - upgrade via apt-get upgrade - close off hazelcast ports via ufw to orc. - re-setup metacat via administrative interface - restart tc - confirm that both metacat instances have the same sysmeta - if they don't restart tc in different order - Before d1-processing is started on unm/ucsb - FIX metacat.password (password is from dev env) - FIX process daemon application context wrt to replication beans (configure application context for replication as in 1.1.0 tag) 3. change RR to point at UCSB (remove orc) 4. upgrade orc - upgrade via apt-get upgrade - turn on the ports for orc on ucsb and unm - upgrade via apt-get upgrade - re-setup metacat via administrative interface - restart tc -confirm that all metacat instances have the same sysmeta -if ucsb/unm do not have sysmeta that is located on orc, then use the cn-repair tool to fix hazelcast 5. turn on d1-processing on UCSB Once upgraded, we have some reharvest tasks for MNs GOA 20131120 We have to figure out the discrepancy between system metadata *content* across CNs Strategy for comparing CNs content of system metadata 1) use pgdump to create a snapshot on each CN 2) use pgrestore with configs to recreate all 3 CN tables into a single new db instance * systemmetadata, xml_access, smreplicationstatus, smreplicationpolicy 3) For AccessPolicy diff classification: * SELECT guid, principal_name, permission, perm_type from xml_access ORDER BY guid, principal_name, permission, perm_type; * output to file * diff 3 files - evaluate visually using Meld or FileMerge, classify the types of problems, ensure that the CN Audit code being written addresses all classes Diff criteria - determine differences 1.) systemmetadata table Any differences in following column values: * rights holder * replication allowed * number replicas * obsoletes * obsoletedBy * archived * dateSysMetadataModified RESOLUTION for systemmetadata table * Highest serial version * Rights Holder on the highest serial version, followed by mod date (if same serial) * replication allowed if set to true, merged to true. * number replicas - merge to highest value. * archived if true anywhere, merge to true * obsoleted if set anywhere, merge value * obsoletedBy if set anywhere, merge value * dateSysMetadataModified - keep latest 2.) smreplicationstatus - want to merge all distinct/unique smreplicationstatus records * Distinct smreplicationstatus records are guid, member_node, status. * SELECT guid, member_node, status, date_verified FROM smreplicationstatus ORDER BY guid, member_node, status, date_verified * output to file * visually diff, classify the types of problems, ensure that the CN Audit code being written addresses all classes * criteria: * merge all rows, remove duplicates of (guid, member_node, status), and choose date_verified that is most recent * guid, member_node, status defines the unique replica status record, duplicates will be merged: * Preference INVALIDATED, COMPLETED, FAILED * if status is the same but date verified differ, keep the newer date verified. * Any smreplicationstatus records with 'QUEUED' or 'REQUESTED' can safetly be discarded * True of a manual fix while replication is down - not necessarily safe if part of a daemon/audit process. 3.) smreplicationpolicy * 91 rows on unm/ucsb. * 129070 rows on orc. * ORC likely represents the master copy of this table PG_DUMP command to run in background nohup su postgres -c "/usr/bin/pg_dump -Fc metacat" > metacatDB.dump 2> metacatDB.err < /dev/null & Reporting Need to know: - total number of affected records by PID - proportion of total that have been resolved with no loss of information (no conflicts) - mostly for informational purposes - which fields were affected. Perhaps something like the number of records that were affected for each system metadata property that was found to be inconsistent. Initial Evaluation of CN AccessPolicy Discrepancies =================================================== CN-UCSB is missing 1386 Access Control Rules present on CN-ORC CN-ORC is missing 52 Access Control Rules present on CN-UCSB CN-UNM is missing 1386 Access Control Rules present on CN-ORC CN-ORC is missing 30 Access Control Rules present on CN-UNM CN-UCSB is missing 25 Access Control Rules present on CN-UNM CN-UNM is missing 3 Access Control Rules present on CN-UCSB There are 16 identifiers that may need manual ACL reconciliation across the CNs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- autogen.2013061412245323230.1 autogen.2013061413310702892.1 autogen.2012122012391321421.1 autogen.2012122209301298522.1 autogen.2013110415061851620.1 peggym.109896.1 peggym.109898.1 peggym.109899.1 peggym.109900.1 peggym.109901.1 peggym.109902.1 peggym.109904.1 peggym.109905.1 peggym.109906.1 peggym.109907.1 peggym.109908.1 The inconsistency percentage is approximately 0.2% of the total ACLs in the system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total UNM ACLs: 685636 Total UCSB ACLs: 685658 Total ORC ACLs: 686992 The affected authoritative Member Nodes for the inconsistent ACLs include ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDL KNB SANPARKS GOA LTER System metadata difference analysis: -- pids orc has more pids - 823 or so ucsb and unm are equal but contain 14 pids not present on orc -- mod date - 67280 changes between orc and ucsb - 32068 changes between ucsb and unm - 69159 changes between orc and unm -- rights holder ucsb and unm are equivalent all changes between orc/ucsb/unm are missing records no value changes (823) -- replication allowed ucsb and unm are equivalent 65302 diffs between orc and ucsb/unm. -- archived between orc and ucsb -823 rows on orc not on ucsb -19 rows that have changes between ucsb and unm (ucsb superset execpt one record) -110 rows have changes all changes on ucsb except 1 only on unm -- doi:10.5063/AA/nceas.907.2 -- obsoletes 846 changes between orc and ucsb 0 changes between ucsb and unm -- obsoleted_by 1437 changes between orc and ucsb 309 changes between ucsb and unm. 1445 changes between orc and unm. -- replication status table -27476 changes between orc and ucsb -31658 changes between ucsb and unm -59132 changes between orc and unm Actions taken on Production CNs 2013/11/23 ON ORC - ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from su postgres -c "psql -d metacat -c \"UPDATE xml_replication SET replicate = 0, datareplicate = 0 WHERE serverid > 1\"" ON UNM - /etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from su postgres -c "psql -d metacat -c \"UPDATE xml_replication SET replicate = 0, datareplicate = 0 WHERE serverid > 1\"" ON UCSB - /etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from ufw delete allow to any port 5701 from ufw delete allow to any port 5702 from ufw delete allow to any port 5703 from su postgres -c "psql -d metacat -c \"UPDATE xml_replication SET replicate = 0, datareplicate = 0 WHERE serverid > 1\"" /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start