Attendees:  Rebeccca, Carol, Bill, Amber, Suzie, Steph, Bruce,  Viv, John Cobb

Regrets: Dave, Mike Frame, Bob, Bertram

DataONE LT Call:  9am AK/10am PT/11am MT/noon CT/1pm ET

1.  Please join my meeting, Aug 16, 2013 at 11:00 AM MDT.

2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial  1 (213) 493-0605
Access Code: 423-804-553
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 423-804-553

We will also use the epad: 
If you have items to add, let me know.

Agenda for 2013-08-16

1.  Amber -- CEO plans for meeting year 4 and 5 goals, progress, challenges, and group discussion of possible solutions.

Close out or consolidate the projects withing the CE Working Groups -
1. Online certification course discussed during the planning sessions
2. Build up capability of DUG - work with group to become more sustainable
3. Increasing the number of MN - making sure the materials are on the web site
4. Get screencasts online (demos, tutorials)
5. Website - make sure all materials are on the website
6. Summer Internship program
7. Explore grant opportunities for educational projects
8. Complete assessment work
9. Sociocultural WG - complete work on policies and

Action items: (due in 3 weeks)
      Problem to resolve - 2 forms at ESA, one for DUG and one to be added to mailing list
      Goal is to get as many people as possible to join the DUG
Potential next activities:  
2.  Group -- round the room

Steph: nothing new to report
Carol: Nothing new.
Viv: nothing this week...
Amber: CEE membership.  Brian Nosek declined bc of time/work committments.  Next in line is Tom Langen.  Cee had voted on 5 members and the votes were pretty well divided with all receiving good support (with the exception of the last candidate).  Candidates 1&2 were close in rankings and then candidates 3&4 were close.  Move forward with Tom?
Tom Langen, Clarkson University
research: Animal behaviour, foraging, human impacts on ecology
Vote from LT- yes

Also, invited to an agriculture data management workshop (Smarter Agriculture: A Dialogue on Critical Data for Agriculture) by Jacob Carlson (Purdue).  Role to moderate: Educating Tomorrow’s Scientist for Critical Data Literacy.  Dates Oct 10th-11th; Maryland.  Thoughts?

Suzie: Miriam went to the IAALD13 World Congress and   presented a paper on biodiversity information needs and also a DataONE poster.  She sent a report to Rebecca  -- two interesting items Agricultural Information Management Standard, a web portal, asked DataONE to submit a paragraph that can be included on the site so people can find our best practices documents.  We were also asked to consider adding DataONE to the CIARD Ring which aims to facilitate the discovery of data that could be useful to agriculture.

John Cobb: nothing to add

Bruce: nothing to add

Bill: Actively editing PPSR Data policy primer for final layout and publication on web site as well as - material may be appropriate for webinar

Rebecca: No-cost extensions have been sent to subawardees with money left to spend;
Haven't heard from NSF on date when year 5 money will arrive (my guesstimate is early

Deborah:  Summer intern Annotator project that Patrice Seyed led was written up for the international semantic web conference and has been accepted.