Next meeting date to-be-confirmed

"Goal approach" for next meeting - *All, let's get goals down here:
** keep in mind:  End-of-2014 goals 1.) prototype for collaborative direcotry :) and 2.) develop use cases
** good idea for everyone to read our case statement before next meeting.

in process:
recent action items
Jane, Keith, Rebecca, Alex


Draft agenda:
Let's define some goals for our next meeting.
Everyone think about goals, what they would like to see accomplished in our next meeting.
Jane - doodle poll, catch up with Scott and Karrie

Action Items from October 29th meeting 

- jane, add Keith's slide to archive (completed, jane add to archive)
- rebecca, MASDIR change (NA)
- rebecca, join folks from DC to our mailing lists (completed first part, experiment under way, with Alex joining Metadata IG)
- keith, jane draft message; Alex review/send (completed)
- jane, ask Sean + Cristina to give Alex access (jane to check google docs...Alex has access)
- jane, email scott, and CC group; engage folks in use cases; invite them to a next meeting (meeting was held, need to do an update to them, invite them to january meeting)
- Alex continue w/paper leadership + student engagement (completed/ongoing) 
- Keith contact Dublin Conf. organizers to figure out our meetings (in process)
- jane, schedule next meeting (completed, schedule Jan. meeting and invite Scott + Kari)
- need to develop use cases
- will help us understand functionalities that would be added
- for discussion, feature creep wary, balance between functionalities + desires.

From November 25th meeting (