Attendees: John Cobb, Suzie, Steph,Carol, Bruce, Amber, Dave, Bob, Carol, Bertram, Steve K,

Regrets: Mike Frame, John Kunze, Deborah, Bill

DataONE LT Call:  9am AK/10am PT/11am MT/noon CT/1pm ET

1.  Please join my meeting, Jan 4, 2013 at 11:00 AM MST.

2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial  1 (630) 869-1015
Access Code: 461-081-401
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 461-081-401

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We will also use the epad: if participants can get to it.
If you have items to add, let me know.

Agenda for 2013-01-04

1) CI Update (Vieglais)

Big news - starting the move of the hardware from one location at Santa Barbara to another -
result: KNB and ESA MNs will be offline during the move - no effect on CNs
1.1 version in the final stages of testing (passing all the tests so far); was failing in one test environment but not another so trying to resolve that
Provenance WG ready to start testing their prototype in test environment - hope to be ready
to demonstrate at RSV
Patrice Seyed has pulled together a number of semantic tools for Dave to preview.
CCIT meeting in Santa Barbara in early February.
ONEShare MN now in production.

System status - need to have this on web site somewhere
May be best to have independent of the CN - Dave will think about this

2) CE Update (Budden)
Beginning planning for ESA booth set up - have one near TerraPop
DMPTool funding from Sloan Foundation - will have a science advisory panel and also considering a funding advisory panel
Making some modifications to web site - look for changes next week.

3) Reverse Site Visit (Michener) 
Confirmed for February 27 - 1 March 2013
Not sure how many we can have in the room at a time.
BRAD will attend.
We need research side to attend. Look to reps from Provenance, Semantics, & Metadata. Responding to a new CISE'y feel.

Questions for NSF:
Will it really be 3 days? (I.E. what advice should the project give to attendees on when to be in Arlington)
Can we get the charge to the panel early?
How many people in the room at a time? Can people attend remotely?

same as EAB meeting
plus ONEDrive, Provenance demo

4) DUG 

How do I sign up? (any perks? Mugs always work ;-) 

AEB - send me an email to sign up!  Or just put you name below....
No dues.  

Do I get a DataONE bookmark?

5) Around the room

Bruce -- have spent a little bit of time with the ONE-R client and going back over finance reports.  Also dealing with a few issues around the networking at ORC.  I will be in Tucson for the USA-NPN Advisory Committee meeting Jan 14-16.  I expect to be working on at least initial set-up for the USA-NPN Member Node during that time.  

John Cobb: Nothing relevant to add
Wondering off topic: Can DataONE use part of a dismembered Encanto? <>
It's already in Rio Rancho
(But I'm nor sure if NM state officials live in a rela world about used computing equipment discount rates though.)

Bob:  Continuing to plan for the EVA Working Group Meeting in Brooklyn on January 22-23

Steve: Nothing from me right now. Just trying to get back in the DataONE saddle. 
Razor bills in Florida (flying version of penguin - typically not found this far south)
Steve will touch base with John Cobb early next week.
Carol: Nothing new.

Amber: Nothing to add

Bertram: Nothing to add

Steph: Nothing really...

Suzie: Nothing to add

Dave: Initiating discussion with Balboa Park Online Collaborative (BPOC, ) and potential interactions with DataONE. "interested in preserving and ensuring accessibility of digital collections (and increasing component of the museum community)"