Attendees: Rebecca, Sean, Karrie, Scott, Jane,  Alex, Cristina,


25 November 2015
RDA Metadata Standards Directory Working Group

Switching to SILS-3 UNC-CH (SKYPE) - seems to be a problem with audiio in UK on GoToMeeting

1.  Please join my meeting, Nov 25, 2013 at 
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Dial  1 (636) 277-0136
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Meeting ID: 889-918-200

Revised ‘draft’ agenda.
Received 32 responses (4 that weren't able to use: 3 not detailed enough, 1 filled out incorrectly)
 60 new entries, either addition to existing standard or new standard
 Great response given it was during the US government shut down - survey is still open 
DCC happy to maintain catalog on their site until RDA WG has established a platform
9 more responsese since the survey closed
What would be good next steps for move forward?
survey remains open on RDA page
Sean:  The info. via the survey is a mixed bag, some is good, other stuff is a little less
'Community editing' woould nice.  
Next steps:
Sean willing to continue on, Cristina will be in area and interested in helping out
Another possibility for student support: DataONE Summer Internshp program (
Kari talking what cases are we trying to solve w/the use cases
sorting ... 
could we consider what is there, how to use.
ALEX - aphabetical, several subdivisions of the list, different format specific use cases, e.g., get data w/DDI, and how to deal with it.  Use cases for both repositories, looking to support particular stanards, and researchers looking for standards on how to ... 
Kari: use cases at different levels, making a ruberic, to ... scalable...
tag the use cases, 
is there a way to tag them...
would tagging work...
ALEX:  Cases of the standard being used, maybe use cases is not the best word
Frist class objects in their own right, use cases, what community... 
DataBIB, R3DATA... don't want to duplicate... 
Amy Barton datacite RDA group! create a workshop on what the directory could be used for..
what is a use case entail, have some use case of working through.. coming up with the standard is applied, this data ... audience:  librarians, available.
Kari - one type of user, narrow 
People who added in use cases, 

DataBib different: not so much about the metadata standards. Data repository focus.

- provide examples that don't exist (Scott + Amy B.)
- Categorize 

Rebecca: researcher point of view:
  + documenting for reuse
  + documenting for sharing
  Great point, Rebecca!  broaden scope... include researchers.  
  HAVE researchers in the workshop.  Librarians + Researhers... building bridges..

Follow on assessment: what the parties got out of it.

Could we start a google doc. about types of use cases
One possibility:  look through the uses cases that are there and classify
Audience coming from different levels so trying to address those various levels
Figure out a way to tag the use cases