Notes for Development Block 2.2 =============================== Previous epad notes: G+ URL: Sprint Planning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * CN upgrades to Metacat 2.4.1 * CN Consistency wrap-up * * Finish Dashboard v1 * Operating System Upgrades Rob --- * 20140328 * Jenkins: got * 20140326 * EDAC - loaded more datasets, will see how harvesting went. * Q. replication policy is set to false? * Tidy: implemented new authMN column in merge_Result. test run 10001 finished successfully (0 failures) * Jenkins - working through installation * Q: do we need tomcat? * apparently not -> K.I.S.S. * 20140318 * EDAC: they need time to build data packages, so it would be difficult to test all of their collection quickly. (approx 280000 items, about 13Tb worth of data). * their data packages are: 1 zip file, 1 FGDC file, 1 resource map - so the data package is delivered pre-assembled. * Tidy: added special handling for OBJECT_FORMAT.1.1 file Skye ----- * 20140402 * Finishing up Dashboard mods from Monday review * Meeting today @ 4mtn * 20140328 * Finished up Dashboard modification requests from Dec * Review meeting Monday @ 2 mtn. * Pushing through list of pids on prod that were from 'accidental' archive bug in metacat. * Initially seems like all the pids in the list were already in the index... * Actually seeing count go down by several hundred. * 20140326 * Dashboard work * Upgraded to bootstrap 3.1 - allows coloring icons with css selector * migrating css selector names from boostrap 2.x to 3.x * Node detail UI layout * 20140324 * Dashboard UI work continued. * 20140321 * Tidy rollout procedure definition with chris, robert, rob * (starting line 555) * Digging back into dashboard updates - working the low hanging fruit first. * Got email from ops mailing list :) * 20140317 * Prepped redmine tickets for 1.2.6 CCI release * Investigating hibernate session issue when using spring-data jpa and multiple threaded app. * Appears related to underlying hibernate session being used across threads * David ----- * 20140326 * Still working on Splunk forwarder rollout * rolling out to MN boxes * adding some config options to get rid of debug spam * new functionality in v6 to alert when license use is close to our max - need to configure that to alert us before a license violation event occurs * 20140324 * Forwarders and hazelcast logging complete on prod CNs * Splunk user accounts built for coredev, users notified * TO DO: * Build forwarders into MNs * Build hazelcast alerts into Splunk based on known error messages * Clean up some configs * Document changes * 20140321 * Building out Splunk forwarders and hazelcast logging to CNs * non-prod CNs complete, prod over the weekend * cn-stage-unm-2 no sudo just got sudo access to cn-stage-unm-2, will build out today * Building coredev user accounts into web interface * Got some hazelcast log entries from Robert that point to issues we want to know about, going to look into those messages w/Bruce to start building error alerts * 2014031718 * Splunk v6 upgrade installed on indexer, forwarder, and Splunk agent on Win7 admin box * Couple of minor to-dos left, mostly cleaning up Splunk v6 on indexer * Up next- * Getting Hazelcast logs into Splunk * Increase openldap minimum checkpoint interval * 3/18 * Test Hazelcast logging to Splunk setup working on cn-sandbox-orc-1 * Looking into changing how Splunk handles log gathering Roger ----- * 20140321 * I've updated the documentation for Python 2.7. * Refactoring the GMN documentation to create two separate sections, one for standalone installation and an additional section to bring the standalone instance into a D1 environment. Much less confusing. * Need to set up meeting to hammer out details for the template for member node deployment tickets. * Will be out next week. Back Monday March 31. * 20140317 * Fixed PyPI installation warnings by generating a MANIFEST file that includes each file that should be included instead of a file that excludes files that should not be included. Chris ----- * 20140326 * still dealing with CN pid indexing. restoring the db has been super slow because of indices. Wrote script to drop all indices and constraints to just get to the data. * Met with Dave/Isis/Chris Allen * 20140324 * Finished CN upgrades * Working on indexing pids that were un-archived * 20140321 * Meetings, then some more meetings. * CN CCI 1.2.5 upgrades * Upgrades went well on sandbox CNs * While checking operations, counts, etc, Metacat replication reports 0 docs to xfer, but doc counts are off. Need to chat with jing and Ben about this. Had some issues troubleshooting the replication call via curl. * Upgrades went well in stage. * cn-stage-ucsb-1 continues to not replicate data via LDAP. Kept out of RR. * ORC VMs seem to be in need of patching compared to UNM and UCSB. Patched now, but talk with David. * Worked on Tidy procedures with Skye, Robert, Rob. Looks solid. * MN support for EDORA * troubleshooting updateNodeCapabilities() in sandbox * MN support for MPC * communicating with Fran, Fabio, and Wendy re: DDI, science metadata * trying to understand their science metadata plans * 20140317 * Prepping for DNS changeover * Working on CN upgrades * issues with getting hudson to build the right version of dataone-cn-metacat * upgrading sandbox CNs now, will tag and do stage/production this afternoon * Troubleshooting updateNodeCapabilities() error for EDORA node Jing ---- * 20140324 * Fixed an issue to rename a ldap entry which DN starts with "cn=". * Test metacat on ubuntu. Morpho.10.1 always froze. I suspect it is caused by openjdk. * 20140321 * Ran the program again ldap-dev server twice. Found and fixed some bugs. * Installed a virtualbox ubuntu 12.04, and apache 2, tomcat 7 and openjdk-7 on it. Finished the configuration of them. Just installed metacat and will configure and test it. * 20140317 * Comparing the accounts in NCEAS' ldap server manually Robert ------ * 20140317 * Ran with 1000 records, worked well. Still a problem with OBJECT_FORMAT_LIST * Will work with Peter to get changes into dev enviroment buildout Dave ---- * 20140317 * Switching DNS to AWS * Administrative trivia * 20140317 * Added server project in redmine for tracking activity such as major software updates or hardware reconfigurations Matt ---- * 20140317 * Peter ----- * 20140318 * made changes to log aggregation, will test on cn-dev-orc-1 * 20140321 * started compiling evaluation data of Solr 4 into a document - this will be made available via EtherPad for comments/evaluation by any/all Discussion Topics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenJDK Issues * Connecting to Metacat * There's a problem with both HTTP and HTTPS connections inder OpenJDK 7 * symptom: Morpho is frozen Counting CN data: * Total # of data, metadata, maps. Every 30days since we started. * listObjects() doesn't completely work because we can't slice by dateUploaded * Solr index can't work because it doesn't have archived pids * Will need to construcct a SQL query, and wrap it in a script (Chris) Operating System Upgrades * See and add to story * Having newest software is desirable * 14.04.0 on the servers may not be an issue * Dave: Go to 12.04 first? * Robert: Fresh 14.04 installs will enable better (LVM-based) backups * Going to 12.04 enables us to upgrade fairly easily * Filesystems should be partitioned consistently (we can do this with fresh installs) * Software packages should be consistent * Fresh install requires data migration (PostgreSQL, Filesystem, etc.) * New hardware may not be in place yet for a straight install of 14.04 * Roger: what about upgrading one at a time (mixed 10.04/12.04 env)? * DECISION: Upgrade to 12.04 first, then schedule upgrades to 14.04 in 6 months * DECISION: Do fresh installs of 12.04? No, we run a dist-upgrade * DECISION: Once upgraded to 12.04, we have the ability to move Ansible orchestation forward. Ansible will not be used to upgrade to 12.04 * TODO: Ensure CN installation for 10.04 is complete/up to date (Robert) * DECISION: Migrate Hudson to Jenkins and install build ( * Create a dedicated VM for build and mvn distribution. * Use of Artifactory or Apache Archiva for Maven Build Artifact Repository Manager. (robert create task) * Migrate off of OpenLDAP for unit tests, move to embedded apache LDAP * Base install vs upgrade * Current CN upgrade roadmap (10.04 --> 12.04 --> 14.04 ?) * New CN environments with new 14.04 base installs? * * Upgrade to Java 7 * OpenJDK 7 or Oracle JDK 7? * Oracle JDK includes proprietary components * We promote FOSS systems, so would prefer OpenJDK 7 * Needs testing * Considerations for CILogon, certificate handling, libraries, etc. (BouncyCastle) * Needs testing * Can we remove BouncyCastle from our installation stack and dependency chain * Upgrade to Tomcat 7 * possible optimization for CN Rest Service becuase of limitations of Tomcat 6 * Upgrade to PostgreSQL 9 * Portal servlet needs testing under PG 9, Java 7 * Upgrade to OpenLDAP * take out workaround for bug in 10.04 Openldap * Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.x? No * Better serialization * Feature to not use locks (RPC call to owner member for write?) * DECISION: stick with 2.x series for near future * d1_common_java and d1_libclient_java issues * TODO: Add ticket for upgrading jibx (Robert) * Metacat installation issues * Jing might be able to test out the use of Metacat with Java 7, Tomcat 7, PostgresSQL 9 and report back to us * Scheduling * CN consistency is completed (week of Mar 17-21) * Ensure Java 7 works on workstations (builds all components) (Week of Mar 24-28) * Migration to Jenkins, building with Java 7 (Week of Mar 24-28) * OS upgrades to 12.04 in DEV (week of Mar 31 - Apr 4) * Ubuntu 14.04 install: Delayed for 6 months * Dailys available now: * Final Beta available March 27, 2014 * Release candidate available April 10, 2014 * Final release April 17, 2014 * What should our schedule be in lieu of this? * This Block should resolve our testing. End of March.