Notes from Call on 20140411 - Deb, Matt, Bertram, Bruce, Dave Please use the Google Doc: DataONE_Renewal_Proposal/20140407_Panel_Questions/Phase_II_CI_Schedule Notes- - Maintenance must stay in, though could be reduced early on with the observation that we should be in good shape coming out of Phase I - We will have lots of MN software stacks available or in late beta stage, so can push the slender node stuff back. Important though to ensure that a developer is available for pushing MN implementations through testing / deployment activities. - Exmplars for Provenance, Measuremnet Search, Data Services - New infrastrucutre must operate on the DataONE services / capabilities Resources - 6 FTE total in current budget - Lots of overlap of resources between semantics and prov - need folks very familiar with topics AND also very familiar with DataONE infrastructure - Scenario A (transfer 3 FTE from years 4/5 to years 1/2, one from each of the dev groups): - Ben - Postdoc 1 Deb's group - Postdoc 2 Bertram's group - Scenario B: - additional 1 FTE from year 4/5 transferred to year 1/2 - Implementation support is essential as most of the domain expertise is low / no funding from DataONE Identities: - Ontology Czar Schedule - agreement on exchange formats - at eleast minimum compatibility with standards, eg. prov-o Month 1-6 Design Month 7-12 Prototyping Month 13-18 Hardening Prototypes available now -- OBOE/search UI (Mark and Matt's group) -- OA/Prov annotation model (Matt and Mark's group) -- Annotation framework (Deborah's group) -- SemantECO search (Deborah's group) -- Ontologies -- Hydro use case ontologies -- Salmon biology ontology -- SBC Ontology -- PROV-O -- ProvONE model => implement in DataONE/link in DataONE -- "RSV demo" -- what was shown at the Reverse Site Visit ;-) -- PBase & Provenance querying prototype(s) -- in various incarnations -- implement the "figure" (from the proposal)!? -- ReproZip List of prototypes from Victor: -ProvenanceExplorer: server backend developed on Postgres and working. Was not fully integrated with Web interface. -ProvenanceAnalyzer: working through DLV implementation. -RPQ processor: based on Postgres and works with the types of queries mentioned in the GraphQ paper. Generates equivalent datalog programs as well. -PBase/Neo4j: enables to upload VisTrails traces to a Neo4j database, visualize them, and query them with cypher. Functional demo version with Web GUI. -PBase/RDF: similar to Neo4j version but uses RDF for storage and SPARQL for querying. Functional demo version as well. -PBase/search: still under development, considers searching and ranking capabilities and quality of service analysis. Goals for 18 months ------------------- Scenario A: -- Semantic discovery integrated into DataONE search -- manual annotation -- search using: SOLR extensions, SPARQL via triple store -- examples fully worked in 2 science domains -- new science domains possible without any further sw dev, just creation of new content (ontologies, annotation, data) -- Provenance -- implement ProvONE in DataONE systems (define attachment points) -- define how prov data is linked into DataONE data packages -- capture provenance from {R, workflow systems} -- upload to DataONE MNs -- aggregate and index on CNs for search -- Display provenance information for all data packages Scenario B: everything from A, plus: -- Natural language extraction to capture both semantic meaning as well as provenance information