This etherpad is for note gathering during Break Out 2 during the 2014 DUG held at Copper Mountain, CO

This session will be on searching for content in DataONE, and will be focussed on three aspects in particular:

1. How search works in DataONE, including programmatic access
2. The ONEMercury search interface, which is the current default web based user interface for searching DataONE
3. Evaluation of a new search interface (shipped with the Metacat repository software) that may provide an alternative to ONEMercury.


Session 1
Session 2
Check out this article for info on why best practices (including metadata) matter:

Kervin, Karina E.; Michener, William K.; and Cook, Robert B..  (2013).  "Common Errors in Ecological Data Sharing." Journal of eScience Librarianship  2(2): Article 1.