CCI 1.4.0 Release Planning meeting 2014-07-31 * attendees: Ben, Dave V., Jing, Marco., Peter, Robert W., Skye * redmine story: Items to be included in this release: * proposed items for 1.4 release from CCIT meeting in SB (notes: * Separate LogAggregation from d1 processing to a separate VM and remove HZ from it without touching the rest of the CN * (week of July 14 and 21 and 28) * Consider use SolrCloud for replication * need to have a mockup of this and testit with large amount of documents to check throughput rate * might be minor code changes * already have zookeeper component that was initially used for cn auditing * what is the strategy for indexing? * update a solr core and swap? * log agg needs to write to solrcloud endpoint, not local * authentication may be an issue * certificate manager is a singleton and may be an issue when running in Jetty * have to separate Hazelcast internal usage from WAN functionality * Minor OneMercury help text, UI updates (from Heather Heinz testing) (2 days of dev and testing effort) (1.4) - complete * think about using MetacatUI search in parallel with OneMercury * Authentication not tsted yet, so would provide a public only search capability for immedate future * ask Lauren to document how much work to use MetacatUI to view solrIndex geolocation info on the CN * not simply a matter of pointing to CN solr index * metacat relies on a limited view of metadata that is available from solr index * possible construct resolve URLs * Release replication auditing (work complete just needs scheduled into release) (1.4) * Move to new maven repository in poms * Rob, Mark reviewing Archiva setup on Jenkins * does Jenkins, Archiva need to run on separate VM? * still in the works * Dave, Marco, Rob will work on this next week * refer to Redmine tickets: #5996, #5997 * Move OneMercury to another VM or servlet container (deferral candidate) * Needs some discussion (2-3 days of effort?) * authentication is the problem * user certificate passed to solr, converted to subjects from http request (via URL filter) * Requires VM's to be stood up for each environment - dev, sandbox, stage, production. * want to be able to make updates to UI without affecting CN * Individual issues from redmine cci 1.4 milestone * (Milestone 1.4 query in redmine sidebar) * for each of these issues - should they be included in the CCI 1.4.0 release? * These issues will be reviewed and any comments entered into redmine for each issue * Story refactor libclient_java connection management * Story CN replica auditing * Story Corrections and suggestions for ONEMercury UI * Bug Log Aggregation is not handling equivalent identities * Task Remove Hazelcast dependency from Log Aggregation processing * Story Migrate maven to a new repository location * Bug Metacat compilation should target Java 1.6 * Task Do not attempt to replicate invalid documents * Task Create facility for tracking replication attempts * Story Modify Synchronization to apply more validation Logic * Bug d1_libclient_java printing 'checkServerTrusted - RSA' * Bug d1_processing replication fails at startup on Production * Bug production oa4mp_client.xml in metacat contains wrong key * Story Implement NodeReplicationPolicy in Node Registry Service * * Design considerations * Log Aggregation * for CCI 1.4, log agg will be modified to run on active/passive CN configuration (single active CN, multiple (2?) passive CNs) * harvesting of MN event records will be indexed initially on only the active CN * i.e. the processing of adding sysmeta fields, IP address to location fields, etc will not be distributed among all CNS, but will be performed on the active CN * synchronization of event indexes between CNs * content will always be initially inserted, updated on the active CN event index * content will be synchronized to the passive CNs after the active CN is updated * decouple log agg from the CN processing * Implementation * Log Aggregation * for CCI 1.4, log agg will continue to use Hazelcast to receive notification of modifications to sysmeta via the class * this is needed to update event records for a pid that has had mutable sysmeta content changed * most important info for log agg is a pid's access policy - changes in access policy can effect a user's access to event index documents * harvested MN event log records will no longer be submitted to the HZ processing cluster to distribute processing/indexing * decouple log agg from CN processing * remove log agg from d1-processing and place in it's own service: d1-event-index * synchronization * SolrCloud will be used to syncronize event indexes between all CNs * SolrCloud requires Solr 4 * a Zookeeper ensemble will be used to sync the 3 Solr instances * each CN will run a standalone Zookeeper * hostids that comprise the ensemble are specified in the ./conf/zoo.cfg file: * Zookeeper must be started before Solr * in log agg source, have to disable manual synchronization * LogAggregationRecoveryJob will be removed * in CCI 1.3 and before, this was used to sync a CN that was just starting * starting CN synced to CN with most current event index entries * LogAggregationSyncJob will not be implemented (was checking into d1 souce trunk) * solr 4 install/configuration * solr will be started as a Jetty context * where does the solr.war file go? * what config files are needed for this context to load? * use jetty as servlet container for solr * since we are using Solr 4 and the object index is using Solr3, we must move log agg to another servlet container * apache web server routing * use ajp connector to route logsolr requests from apache to jetty/solr 4 * * use mod_proxy instead of ajp13? * URL rewritting * in cci 1.3 apache rewrites URLs to route requests to solr event index * currently implemented via mod_rewrite * config file: /etc/apache2/conf.d/rewrite_cnlog * in tomcat7, solr context is automatically loaded via config file: * /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/Catalina/localhost/d1-cn-log.xml * solr context loaded via * /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml * setup URL filtering with jetty * authenticated access to the event index is enabled via URL filtering * in tomcat, this is enabled from * /usr/share/solr/WEB-INF/web.xml * SSL authentication * does an addition instance of CertificateManager need to run w/Jetty? * new CN components that will be needed for log agg, event index * dataone-event-index * installs log agg processing software * starts the Spring application to run log agg MN harvesting/indexing * installs, log agg configuration in jetty, zookeeper, solr4 * configures /var/lib/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg * configures /var/solr/ * existing CN components (not currently used in cci 1.3, but have been in source tree) that will be used * dataone-solr * installs solr 4 to /var/solr * this component will be updated to Solr 4.9.0 * solr4 needed for solrcloud feature used by log agg cci 1.4 * solr3 will continue to be used for object index * dataone-jetty * jetty has to run on CNs that are also running tomcat * jetty will use default port 8983 * should this component be updated to the current version of jetty (9.?)? * currently installs v 8.1.11 * this component will be upgraded to jetty 9.2.2 * dataone-solr-jetty * this component will not be used * dataone-zookeeper * currently installs v 3.4.5 * this will be upgraded to v 3.4.6 * The release fixes a critical bug that could prevent a server from joining an established ensemble * cn/d1_solr_extensions * this component produces a jar file that contains classes needed for auth checks for logsolr queries * these checks are activated by URL filters defined in /usr/share/solr/WEB-INF/web.xml Log aggregation configuration * /etc/dataone/ * set property '' so that is the node identifier of the 'active' CN (in the single master CN configuration), e.g.