August 8th 2014
DUG Steering Committee

Attending: Andrew, Amber, Vida, Felimon, Bob
Regrets: Chris, Myrica

1. Quick recap of meeting 
- largest meeting so far, similar to previous
- workshop not as large as hoped
- wrap up discussion (membership, community) very useful
- curious about impact of video on on-site experience, low turnout in part due to low promotion
- video seemed to be of good value
- need to think about how to manage video for breakouts
- what impact would more video promotion have upon on-site attendance?  need to consider
- level of engagement in roundtables seemed to be very high
- roundtable approach seemed to be helpful this round
- suggestion of having prior facilitation training call to prep roundtable leaders

2. New members --- Felimon and Dan potentially
- should also consult with existing people who may or may not want to continue, Andrew will contact people

3. Need to develop some areas to focus on for this year 
- Bob:  find ways to systematically engage Member Nodes prior to meeting to lead to more productive Member Node discussions at DUG
- Bob:  reach out to people who were involved in Working Groups in Phase 1 and may be less involved in Phase 2, chance to stay engaged 
- Felimon:  facility to make requests for new features
- * Felimon:  integration with other groups, getting more participation, perhaps connecting people at operational level between organizations where DataONE is making connections
- Vida:  opportunities for grad students to become involved and more connected, the role they can play in DataONE efforts
- Amber:  seconding Felimon's partnership/alliance focus to help support 18 month Phase 2 goals, broader community support for opportunities/engagement/outreach
- Amber:  finding more ways to engage former Working Group people, perhaps could help coordinate where DUG members go to meetings and opportunities to talk about DUG (maybe generic DUG poster, specific poster, ways to be involved, relevance, etc.)

4. Need to decide on meeting schedule --- regular schedule or ad-hoc?
- first Tuesday of each month, 4pm EST, 30 minutes
Bob S: I have a conflict once per quarter. I'd say this schedule is OK for me.
- Andrew to send to list, if no objection will send calendar invites with this call information

5. Other topics/issues/ideas?
- Felimon:  might want to consider co-location with other group, not sure ESIP is helping 
--- Amber:  idea of rotating brings benefit of connection to other communities, sticking with ESIP means access to known community --- downside of switching means some more logistical challenges, some other meetings are large audience but very long (AGU), many of the big meetings are contracted a year in advance, ESIP is adjusting their schedule next year to accomodate our conflict around holiday weekend, DataONE Phase 2 has more limited travel funds so partnering with other meeting would mean broader access for DataONE at other meetings
--- action on this for 2015 would require rapid steering conversation, finding another location immediately, recommending new choice, determining status of contracts
--- big meetings typically are AGU (bad timing in December, very large, very expensive) and ESA (smaller, better option)
--- could also do smaller DUG meeting around a partner conference and then focus more sessions within the other partner conference

6 . Action List

A.  Reach out to former Working Group members and invite them to participate more actively in DUG efforts, perhaps join steering, etc. etc.  (Bob)
B.  List some possibilities of other groups to integrate with (Felimon)
C.  Explore poster or ways for grad students to serve as ambassadors, student chapters/events (Vida w/ Amber)
D.  Make a place for list of conferences for DUG members (Andrew/Amber)
E.  Summary of DUG 2014 meeting (Andrew)
F.  Figure out status of DUG Steering Members who didn't attend/respond --- Sherry, Dan, others? (Andrew)