Attendees: Rebecca, Alex, Keith, Jane

Draft agenda below (it’s pretty hefty, so please suggest any modifications or a re-shuffling of items) -
1. MSDWG summer interns
-- Kate’s work (Rebecca/jane)
Progress on GitHub: directions for updating are in place;
Alex will check on getting a dump from the DCC contents for the GitHub implementation
before September
-- Erica’s work (Rebecca/jane)
Working on practical policy and metadata; emphasis on iRODS but without Reagan's oversight, may turn out to be policies on paper rather than implementation
2. MIG (Keith, Rebecca, would you want to share any updates here?)
See below Data Fabric IG discussion and P4 
3. Recent WG meetings, Data Fabric, etc. (should we chat here, who was on the call this week?)
previous meeting mixed up on hours
recent meeting this week, the technology was not good.
WOW!! sat meeting metadata !!!  :)
14:00 EU/'Coagulate'
Jane and Alex to review slides/outline
4. Planning for RDA-4
-- WG/IG meeting on Sat. in Amsterdam (in particular, if focus of meeting is metadata)
-- WG/IG/TAB meeting on Sunday
-- Plenary sessions, schedule, goals, etc.? Program still being scheduled. Hoping for a metadata 'track' so the metadata groups don't compete.
- USE case activity.  Template!  Set up web form for use at the meeting?
- How do we get people to think about a policy.  Is it the 'cart before the horse"
- How do we raise adoption levels?
-- Spreading the word
-- other to do, etc.
5. November NIST meeting?
6. Other activities?
7. Revisit action items for RDA-4, and next meeting, pre-Amsterdam and/or “in” Amsterdam
find out how much time we have in Amsterdam meetings (jane)
Template review (all) (Rebecca send to us)
everyone look at slides for Sat. WG meeting (Keith send)
Scheduel another meeting (end of Aug. **21 10:30 EST  good time ) (jane)
talk about the win/win between DCC and Github.
Try to get programmers (Rebecca, fall; jane--@ Drexel)
update slides for Sat. meeting (jane can draft?)

Next meeting topics
- what is the best presentation to get people to capture use cases, and what are we going to do. Sharing in what capactiy