DUG Steering Feb 4 2013 1. Please join my meeting https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/554969489 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Dial 1 (805) 309-0012 Access Code: 554-969-489 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 554-969-489 Attending: Amber, Andrew, Dean, Deborah, Chris, Dan, Vida, Myrica, Bob, Rebecca Regrets: Agenda: 1) Report on action items from Epad http://epad.dataone.org/2014Jan07-DUGSteering Transportation: Rebecca looked into it. There are shuttles that run - waiting to hear from ESIP what they are planning on doing. There is a standard schedule from the airport. Remote Attendence: Google hangouts on air an afforable option. Recordings posted to Youtube for later viewing. Need to check on bandwidth, access, recording equip. ESIP do remote attendance so the hotel should be fine. Look into sharing equipment with ESIP. Bob: Make sure you have a dedicated someone managing the remote attendees, camera etc. Value Statements for different stakeholder groups: 4 groups: 1) IT people. Motivating: fame / glory, big data 2) Cit Sci and schools, clubs, NGOs etc. Likely dont have a place to share their data but want to be part of a collective. Motivation: You can share you data with others. 3) Groups that might be in conflict over data storage: DataONE is a neutral territory 4) Faculty, students, (researchers?) etc: Motivation: exposure, workflow tools, efficiency 5) Librarians? For Citizen Science see: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/citscitoolkit Action: Amber to make sure people have acess to existing value propsition materials. Sessions 7 & 8: DUG Roundtables R1: Data management (Operational): Session notes R2: Interoperability/Semantics: Session notes R3: Data Documentation/Preservation: Session notes R4: Data Management Planning: Session notes R5: Outreach / Education: Session notes R6: Open Access / Data Sharing: Session notes Talking points / Guiding Questions * What are the main challenges? * What solutions currently exist? * What contribution can / should DataONE provide in this landscape? How can that be best achieved? Debora has been consolidating the information from the 2013 break-out e-apds to determine which areas are worth revisiting in 2014. There is a lot of material but would need extra eyes. Does analysis of these material mean that a survey is not required? Or should a survey still be conducted. (a) Update on DMPTool mtg status Might not be enough capacity to contribute to a full seperate, independent meeting. Interest in having a dedicated DMPTool session within the DUG agenda. Would this reduce the probability of people attending? Feedback from Steering group is that it should be covered but wouldn't necce preclude people from coming. (2) Flesh out DUG meeting agenda - leave with a draft agenda from 2013 meeting can be found here http://www.dataone.org/dataone-users-group 2013 Structure Day 1 Session 1: Welcome, Introductions and Overview Session 2: Member Node Updates Sessions 3 & 4: Breakouts (Facilitated Discussion) Session 5: Poster Session and Reception Day 2 Session 6: Welcome and summary of previous day; Report from Breakouts. Sessions 7 & 8: DUG Roundtables Session 9: Reports from DUG Roundtables Session 10: DUG Business Meeting Session 11: Wrap-up Discussion / Q&A Proposed 2014 Structure Day 1 Session1: Welcome / Introduction / Overview Session2: Member Node Lightening Talks? MN Overview prior to the lightening talks. Constrained timing but allow for more detail in one of the breakout sessions. Can be used as a troubleshooting / problem sharing session. and innovative experiences showcase of what people are doing with data integration. Session 3: "breakouts"? Breakout 1: for Member Nodes *ACTION ITEM (Amber to ask them)* perhaps a session just on member node topics, get ideas from MN Forum group, maybe some portion of presentation and some portion of discussion Breakout 2: Working Group feedback / updates Breakout 3: Tools Session 4: report on breakouts Session 5: DUG Business Meeting (consider shifting to first day to avoid conflicts w/ ESIP meeting) Session 6: Wrap-up Discussion / Q&A Session 7: Poster Session and Reception Day 2 Session 8: Welcome and summary of previous day Session 9: Roundtables (survey for the ideas again and volunteer leaders from DUG community) Session 10: Report from roundtables Session 11: DMPTool half-day workshop to be fleshed out later Need to be sure we know what material we want to cover, how to brainstorm it (DataONE internal, DUG, via email list, etc.) Action steps: (1) Amber will put together shared planning area for meeting prep, will give everyone access (2) Amber to update MN Forum on our process Next meeting agenda: (1) Specific people to target/promote to - cover this next item (2) Focus specific messages to recruit people (3) Set specific date for registration and promotion Next meeting: March 4, same time, same place/mode