DUG STeering Committee Call
Jan 7th 2014

Meeting Link: 

Telephone link: 
Dial  1 (267) 507-0004
Access Code: 426-176-665
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 426-176-665

Attending: Amber Budden, Chris Eaker, Debora Drucker, Myrica McCune, Bob Sandusky, Dean Walton, Andrew Sallans, Dan Phipps

Update: Following acceptance of the charter the Steering Committee is an official group within the DUG.  Primary activity at this type if a focus on the next DUG meeting.

1)  Structure of the 2014 DUG meeting to attract more attendees.  
Though it isn't public information yet, the next meeting will be at the Copper Mountain Resort in Colorado, about 70 miles west of Denver.  This will be a great venue, but may pose some challenges in gaining attendees who can hop over for the day from their nearby university or organization.  We'd like to see the meeting grow to about 75 attendees, so we need your help with ideas!

Challenges: remote location, timing (4th July weekend) and boosting numbers.  
Copper Mountain about 1hr 20mins driver outside Denver.
Transportation - shuttles available? - AEB to explore wrt what ESIP has set up.  Either way, in registraiton info provide the appropriate transport info (do the research for them).

Structure of 2013 meeting.
Poster session?  Attractive? Yes (Dean). 
Myrica - emphasis/session on connections between DataONE and related efforts.  DataNet, GEOSS, EarthCube, etc.  (Also GBIF, EUBON etc). Show how DataONE is being used by specific institutions / examples.  
Debora - the last meeting the best of the 3 attended.  Poster session was positive.  Suggestion for 'candidate MN' space in addition to current MNs.  Need to communicate to people how the meeting works.  Communication largely internal to DUG and need to get more information to people outside the DUG network. Need to 'show' people.  Need to broaden / promote the international component or is this not part of the current focus?
What is the motivation to travel to the DUG? Harder if it wasn't co-located with ESIP.  
Free to attend is a positive (for students, new members etc).  This helps with promotion outside DUG.

Communication: Suggestions?
Remote attendance / session streaming.  AEB to explore.
Survey went out to DUG in advance of last meeting for planning.  Do the same this year but ask the broad community for feedback on DUG meeting agenda.  Have specific presentation topics and vote on them?  Have people contribute proposals and have the community 'choose'?

Help people understand how the group is going to be beneficial to them so they can identify their role and potential value.

Bob - think targeting specific communities with specific messaging would be worthwhile.  split mailing to subsets of mailing lists.

Chris - look at government entities in the area (related to comment about lack of universities in the vicinity).  NCAR, 

2)  Ideas for who to try and specifically invite to attend and where to promote.

Promoting so far largely just through DataONE mailing list (several thousand people who have connected with DataONE previously).

Also have promoted by DUG newsletter (emailed to people, public on DataONE website, tweets to community).

Also have specifically approached library community (not sure how successful the model of partnerships between librarians and researchers has been).

Most people seem to come to DUG as prospects for being a MN.  This seems to be the main value offer.  Lots to offer for data manager, MN, etc.

Find ways to have specific statements of appeal to different groups/audiences

DUG communications - mailing lists for the library community (pardon typos):

Hannu Saarenmaa, Research Director
Mobile +358-50-4479668

University of Eastern Finland
School of Computing, SIB Labs, Joensuu Science Park
Länsikatu 15 (P.O. Box 111)
FIN-80101 Joensuu

www.digitarium.fi/en - Service Centre for Mass-Digitisation
www.biovel.eu - Workflows for Scientific Research
www.eubon.eu - EU BON - GEO BON - Data Integration and Interoperability

Eamonn O Tuama [GBIF] <eotuama@gbif.org>


David Blankman
Chair, ILTER Information Management Committee
Director, Information Management, Israel LTER

972-54-685-9345 (mobile)
1-505-349-5680 (Skype)
dblankman (Skype)

IMLS students?
NCAR/UT/UIUC student interns [via Chris]
    Chris, Erica, Kayla, Jennifer, Karen, Andrea, Nick, 2014 students
    Mentors for each person
MN promotion to their researchers

3) DMPTool event at DUG meeting.
    Hold one or not? What time/date? Format?

Helpful to those responsible for promoting DataUp within institutions.  
If the communities are not totally overlapping the both groups can benefit by 'spill-over'.  
Good to be able to have sufficient time to go into detail on one particular topic / tool.

Have the DMPTool conncurrent and then bring the two communities together?
Have DMPTool meeting first, before the DUG?
Second half of Monday (concurrently?) also capitalizes on people coming in for ESIP.

Send out a survey exploring potential overlap of audiences and preferences?

Amber to explore transporation
Amber to research remote attendance
All to forward suggestions for people to target for DUG
Amber to set up a doodle poll for the next meeting

Other actions:
Value statements for different stakeholder groups
Dean - identify different groups and rally volunteers

Survey to explore desirable components for the next agenda
Deborah will draft topics raised in the last meeting epads but not deeply explored to suggest to include in a survey for consideration

DMPTool survey questions put together by Amber, Andrew, Dan

Next meeting -  (1 month out)

1) Establish draft of actual DUG meeting based on feedback from survey

2) Review value statements 

Questions for DMPTool Community Survey:

The DataONE Users Group (DUG) (include link) will be held on July 6/7, 2014, and the DMPTool team is considering holding a DMPTool community meeting and training session around the DUG.  We are polling the community to see if there is interest in attending a DMPTool specific meeting and what format would be most desirable.

1) Would you attend the DMPTool meeting if held on July 8?

2) Would you also attend the DUG meeting if traveling to the DMPTool meeting?

3) The ESIP meeting (link) runs Tues Juy 8th - 11th at the same location.  Do you anticipate also attending the ESIP meeting?

3)  Would you prefer:
a) full day DMPTool meeting on July 8
b) half day DMPTool meeting on July 7

4)  Choose your top preference of content:
a) overview of new features, training, best practices instruction, etc.
b) community presentations on how the DMPTool is used institutionally
c) both of the above