Dug Steering Committee Meeting 03/10/14 https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/554969489 Dial 1 (805) 309-0012 Access Code: 554-969-489 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 554-969-489 Last epad: http://epad.dataone.org/2014Feb04-DUGSteering AGENDA Attendees: Amber, Andrew, Chris, Myrica Update on previous action items: * Amber will put together shared planning area for meeting prep, will give everyone access * https://docs.dataone.org/member-area/planning-for-dug * begin to store stuff for 2014 DUG meeting here - https://docs.dataone.org/member-area/planning-for-dug/dug-meetings/dug-july-2014-meeting-folder * Amber to update MN Forum on our process * keen to have space in the DUG agenda, hoping to have in-person forum for developers to get together to share experiences, doesn't need to be exclusive or designed just for those who are current or future MNs, but might be more interesting to those who are * still would also like to do a quick initial update to all about some number of MNs, eventually will be too many MNs, could start this year by just doing new MNs New Items * Specific people to target/promote to - cover this next item * Focus specific messages to recruit people * Set specific date for registration and promotion * ESIP has officially announced that the meeting is in Frisco, CO - http://commons.esipfed.org/2014SummerMeeting * opening registration in late April * Open DUG registration sooner to promote and get more attendees * requires hotel contract to be established * requires agenda * Amber to create Save-the-Date for meeting * Amber to check into hotel contract * Promotion of DUG 2014 * refer to DataONE Marketing Plan - https://docs.dataone.org/member-area/working-groups/sustainability-and-governance/meetings/2011_0913_oak_ridge/Marketing%20Plan_DataONE_Draft_ASR%2019JUNE11_pac_v4.docx/view * Who does what? * Amber to draft boilerplate message that we can each modify * other committee members to distribute to respective groups * Amber to create a page or table or link for information on the group that is being contacted (email, website etc), who sent the email and date * To Do: * Andrew to extract agenda from epads and put into Word doc to circulate * Amber to finalize the date we can start promoting and getting registration * Amber to create survey for review (to coincide with Save-the-Date announcement) * Andrew/Chris write newsletter post