DataONE Metadata Working Group call -- 2012.12.03 Agenda: - update from Jane and Angela on paper/poster - please track mentions of working group efforts (for reporting) - any other updates When: 8:30am - 10am San Francisco time Dial-in: 866-740-1260 (US toll free) Access code: 9879231# (for non-US toll free numbers, please see ) Meeting Notes: Attending: John, Karthik, Jim, Jane, Greg, Nassib To avoid my missing the first two meetings next year, we'll shift our every-three-week schedule ahead one week, the next two meetings being Jan 7 Jan 28 Progress has been slow. We're blessed with a cool, exciting idea, but we're unfunded and our end-of-the-year deadlines are approaching quickly. Jane has put a number of things in our shared DataONE space [1]. This includes meeting notes, All Hands meeting slides, poster (Angela, et al), pre-prints and slides from ASIST/SIG/CR workshop of Oct 26. We are asked to share our minutes, presentations, activities that we pursue in this space so that others writing reports have easy access to our output and knowledge or our activities. Jane has been talking to folks with mentoring gifts (eg, Paul Jones of ibiblio [2] fame), about enlisting student help and wants us all to think about (a) what a useful statement of work could look like and (b) places where we might best try to recruit from. Our charter includes a short group assessment component, which we'll also need to think about early next year. Everyone is asked to track mentions of our working group effort at a eg, Nassib's Supercomputing conference presentation on Nov 14. This is a helpful metric of our activity for DataONE's quarterly reports. Action item: I'll set up a shared document for this (eg, googledoc or etherpad). Action item: we need to schedule our next face-to-face meeting.