Attendees: Mary Jo Daniel, Tracy Hart, Rebecca Koskela, Melissa Coverdale, Kimberly Waseta, Moira Gerety, Brian Pietrewicz, Bill Michener, Esther Russell

Invitees: Randey Bamford, Joe Franklin, Lorie Liebrock, Greg Heileman, Max Baca, Caiti Steele, Johannes A Van Reenen


CI Day Planning Meeting
Monday, 5 March 2012  1pm
NM EPSCoR Office

 Minutes: (
To Dos from 5 March 2012:
Report back by email on above ToDos
Next meeting: 1-2:00 March 26, 2012 at EPSCoR office

1.  Please join my meeting, Mar 5, 2012 at 12:54 PM MST.

2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (630) 869-1014
Access Code: 386-859-072
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 386-859-072


 8:30am                                |         Light breakfast, check-in
 9:00 - 9:30                           |   Data Life Cycle Plenary
                                             |    Bill Michener
9:30   - 10:30                        | Data Management Planning Tool
                                             | Bill Michener
 10:30 - 10:45                       | Break
10:45-11:45                           |      Excel                   |                                    |         
 Organization                         |      (Kristin                |   DBMS                       |   GIS
                                              |     Vanderbilt, UNM) | (Dale Hendrickson,     |  (Julie Coonrod, 
                                              |                                 | UNM, John Porter,      |   UNM)
                                              |                                 |  UVA,Brian Pietrewicz,| 
                                              |                                 |  UNM                           | 
    noon - 1:15                         | Luncheon   with Keynote Speaker (iTunes University?)
 Metadata                               |      Sciences           |   Humanities       |   Using CI for 
                                               |      (Inigo San Gil,   |                            |      Education
                                               |       UNM)                |                           |
 Preserve                                |      Sciences ,         |       Humanities   |     Developing       
                                               |   Lobo Vault            |                            |     courses for 
                                               |   generic sol'n,        |                            | I-tunes University
                                               |    EDAC                  |                            |
Analysis/Viz                            |  Data   Exploration  |     High               |  
                                               |   and Viz                  |   Performance    |    Geospatial  
                                               | (Jump, R, others)    |    Computing      |
Balance institutions, gender diversity, 

For Speakers:   
Organize each presentation around these:
 Check back with original goals to make sure all objectives are met