Feedback on the ONEDrive, 2011-10-18

Names appearing in this document:
DV = Dave Vieglais
MF = Mike Frame
RS = Ryan Scherle

================= Summary ==================

Feature requests:
================= Session #1 (Badger) ==================

Uncontrolled keywords

Normalize keywords - use controlled vocab.  - methodology, geographic,

Give people chunks - a-d
Having path - remember path.
Limit Mount points - max. Number
Provide short url - direct path to url - sort of like a DOI.
Filtering via GUI
Parsing Keywords for keyword folder
Automatically provide extract of record, record

Need a temporary staging area - framework of GET


What about units checking - some kind of hook. - annotation property - good
time to think about it before (via resource map).

I want to know everything going on in this park?  Copy query through ONE

Question - how important is write access?

Develop tool, need these keywords, spatial bounding, this time result.

Use file system to provide access to day - use mercruy to provide search -
give file string to mount.  Like smart folder on MAC - gives shorten path,
put in folder. Give direct

Generating mechanism for Filter via through Mercury

Keyword clean-up

Should change default

Generating abstract.txt very helfpul -

Use style sheets for metadata

What kind of open formats are useful is

Auto generated file from Mercury

Generate citation (endnote)

Help pages - purpose, installation, integration with Mercury

Reason to do this vs just web - added value.

Scroll and using tools

Distinguishing between data that is published and not.

Some reason to trust this data, more can do to attist to quality of data,
provenance information, link between metadata and data - deals with issue
of stuff just lying around on web.

Type DOI in and

Stick in the Folder - text citation in the folder - right next to file

I want this dataset version.

This is an active project, want the latest - embedding a version control

================= Session #2 (Hawk) ==================

Filename browsing is difficult - how do I know what to choose?
- maybe title string and I'd

Some place take datasets I find, my space, don't have to find them again -

IDs move around, new version, what can be trackable

Filter on Geography.

Provide a search.  - do in ONE Mercury as search, drag into file system

Take uncontrolled keywords and map to controlled - could do on MN basis for
their controlled vocab.

MN listing of data set

Add comment to file itself at your desktop - right click in windows,

Folder coloring option in MAC

Display on screen of science metadata or data to tell if it will work with
your application.

Generate citation records can take into endnote

What about google desktop - chaining queries. Filter within filter that is
in place

Some portions are ready only and some writeable

Key is for write, have a bunch of pieces, can't take 30 minutes to do.

Issue - role of MN

Social science data - have to have controlled access

Potential subsetting

Priority with integration on ONEMercury is high - take a link from Mercury
into OS is big - would be a deciding factor
Improving Read Only, queries, filter, fix filename

International language support.  Generate multi-lingual abstract

Data object user rating - then filter on star, who rated it!

Filter on data for use with a separate software

Like adopted interface people familiar.

Folder lengths may be an issue   issues of how many files in a directory.

Collapse of keywords in alphabet or grouping.

Top level view across the data to allow drilling down - high level view

Any measure of similartly, want something similar to this.

================= Session #3 (Wolf) ==================

Filters that are spatial and temporal are needed

In mercury search, can just copy query string into filter

Mount at the level of the data package.

Use Title of Data Provider as Folder name

More human readable Id of the data.

Keywords - mapping to a controlled vocabulary to follow hierarchy

Apply style sheets for rendering of science metadata

Ability to refresh mapped drive, based on change in filter.
Add readme document if drag to the desktop

Could be a game changer

First stop interaction

Comments about existing information - annotations would be helpful

Issue of depositing in the drive vs through MN needs to be figured out.
Drive would be great for single, potential un affiliated PI.

Configurable default to show with or without annotations.

Potential use into the drive for citations.  Drag file into endnote

Cdl use of metadata in directory listing - spec John K has.   Tagging
directory type.  Nomasday tool?

Pair tree break into smaller directories.  They aren't friendly to users.

================= Session #4 (Tamaya) ==================